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Judge - I am the law and I'll do as I please.

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Everyone having the right to consume what they want seems ok, but what if they then consume something which indirectly harms or results in another's death, and it has been argued that for instance legalising banned substances could do this:(


Obviously if someone ingests a substance (perhaps alcohol, or heroin or crack or psilocybin) which causes them to behave in a way that causes difficulty or death among those around them then there are plenty of laws which can be used to tackle that behaviour aren't there?


It's an issue about behaviour; If someones use or misuse of a drug gives rise to problematic behaviour, tackle the problematic behaviour, apply the law that prohibits that bevaviour. If people become violent, abusive or commit murder when drunk, charge them with the relevant crimes - don't ban alcohol.


Similarly if people misbehave after having taken a shedload of cannabis, charge them with the relevant crimes, but don't ban cannabis.

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There have been so many informative posts,and many points worthy of examination.What a pity the Goverment don't pay more attention to such a serious issue.There is a failure in the system as it is operating now,so something needs to change.

I don't know what the answer is .I'm not certain that legalization to cannibis would be the answer though, I fear there would be more of a danger of it leading to harder drugs. I am not as well informed as some i admit,but if there were more discussions and debates on the subject on tv for instance we could all then look at the facts more objectively.

The prisons seem to be full of people on drugs now,and some of them have got them inside.Punishing them for possession is not something i would advocate unless they have comittted other crimes, some of them are victims and need help to cure them of the habit.Its these pushers and these drug traffickers that should be given the harsh sentences, these that have no conscience.


Apologies , for not replying to all posts.

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Isn't it better to be preventive, rather than 'after the horse has bolted'?


You cannot prevent people from taking drugs anymore than you can prevent them from eating or having sex.


The desire to change one's consciousness is fundamental to the human experience.


The sane and intelligent response to drug use is education about safe and pleasurable ways to enjoy it, how to avoid coming to harm through doing it and not to coerce or pressure others into doing things they don't want to. Rather like sex then, eh?

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That's all good Janie; sounds like a fairly liberal attitude to me. Forgive me if I'm missing something you have already said, but would it be fair of me to imagine that you don't disagree in principle with the notion that the individual should have the right to choose what he or she consumes?


I would like to agree with that principle,if it was a person of a mature age,but i can't because of the impact it has on others and the wider community.Then again though it depends what he or she is consuming.

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I would like to agree with that principle,if it was a person of a mature age,but i can't because of the impact it has on others and the wider community.Then again though it depends what he or she is consuming.


Can you expand on that idea please? For example, if you were to meet a person who had taken drug x or drug y, wouldn't you just judge them on their behaviour and their presentation?


If I'd taken some E* or cannabis* and was rational, pleasant and good company, why would you be concerned about me or about the drug I was using?


*Insert any kind of drug here.

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Can you expand on that idea please? For example, if you were to meet a person who had taken drug x or drug y, wouldn't you just judge them on their behaviour and their presentation?


If I'd taken some E* or cannabis* and was rational, pleasant and good company, why would you be concerned about me or about the drug I was using?


*Insert any kind of drug here.


I would be concerned for you if i knew you had taken cannabis, even if you were calm relaxed and pleasent as is often the case with occasional cannabis users.What i would be concerned about was how the drug may effect you in the future.

Unless it had of course been prescribed for you,for health reasons and even then like every drug it would have some sort of adverse effect later on.

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I would be concerned for you if i knew you had taken cannabis, even if you were calm relaxed and pleasent as is often the case with occasional cannabis users.What i would be concerned about was how the drug may effect you in the future.

Unless it had of course been prescribed for you,for health reasons and even then like every drug it would have some sort of adverse effect later on.


Well, that's thoughtful of you; but would it be any different to meeting a friend who eat a cooked breakfast three times a week, or someone who smokes twenty a day?


Is it sufficient a concern for you to feel comfortable with the idea that people who choose to smoke cannabis should be dealt with as criminals whereas those who choose to smoke fags and drink and eat themselves onto early graves are free to do so?

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Paul Mccartney has said once in a BBC interview that Lucy in the sky with diamonds is a ref to LSD. John London has always denied it. He wrote it.


Some of the people in your list are still alive. robert Downey Jr is at the peak of his career.


I'm wide awake and I can definitely smell the coffee. It's you and your out dated views that needs to wake up.


Oh, and don't call me bro please. That's even more of an insult as far as I'm concerned.


Robert Downey had a very close call. One of the few who became rehabilitated.

Lindsey Lohan seems to be on the mend too.


Lennon had no credibility with me. He was a phony. For someone who wrote "Imagine" he sure liked the material things in life, his swank NY apartment and especially his millions. Even today there are young groupies who hang around in Central Park opposite the place he lived in. These kids werent even born when Lennon died and some of them look as high as kites


Many, many people in show biz are either drunks, dope heads or both.


I knew Harley riders who thought they were the real life versions of Fonda and Nicholson in Easy Rider. Young punks on Hogs getting high and thinking it was "like real cool man" The movie became a cult classic. Dont tell me that naive people are not influenced by their music or screen idols.


Sorry to upset your delicate sensitivities and i dont appreciate being called a moron either so untwist your panties and keep a civil tongue in your head if you want me to respond to any future posts.

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Robert Downey had a very close call. One of the few who became rehabilitated.

Lindsey Lohan seems to be on the mwnd too.


Many, many people in show biz are either drunks, dope heads or both.


I knew Harley riders who thought they were the real life versions of Fonda and Nicholson in Easy Rider. Young punks on Hogs getting high and thinking it was "like real cool man" The movie became a cult classic. Dont tell me that naive people are not influenced by their music or screen idols.


Sorry to upset your delicate sensitivities and i dont appreciate being called a moron either so untwist your panties and keep a civil tongue in your head if you want me to respond to any future posts.


The idea that lots of creative industry types are into their drugs is hardly news to anyone is it?


Your arrival at this startling insight appears to be a rather pointless sidetrack about which Beatle was the biggest dope fiend or somesuch nonsense.


Are you citing the fact that you knew some pothead motorcycle bums as an amusing anecdote or as a reason for marijuana to remain illegal and people who smoke it to be criminals?

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