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He would continue to deny it into the 70's


You're posting garbage.




John Lennon admitted that he began taking LSD in 1964 and that


"it went on for years. I must have had a thousand trips. I used to just eat it all the time"


(Rolling Stone, Jan. 7, 1971, p. 39)


In 1969, Lennon said:


"If people can't face up to the fact of other people being naked or smoking pot . then we're never going to get anywhere"


(Penthouse, Oct. 1969, p. 29, cited in The Legacy of John Lennon, p. 66).

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You fail to see that genuine and meaningful creativity has disappeared. How much tripe does Hollywood churn out these days? Loads of it. Apart from the contributions of Spielberg and two or three others there is no "creative art" . Movies are mass produced like widgets on a factory assembly line each made to earn a fast buck by cynical CEOs and movie directors who see is as 90 percent business and 10 percent meaningful entertainment value.


The musical world has also suffered a marked decline in quality and substance.

The young these days ride around in cars with boom boxes blaring out "Rap" full of profanity, often hate and disrespect to women.


If you cant detect the first indications of a civiliasation in decline I can and the spread of drug use has only speeded it up.


I could go on ranting about sihngle moms, AIDs, people who think welfare and unemployment benefits are a given birthright.... but what the hell.

I'm just an old fart whose era has largely disappeared but one thing is right as that genuinly gifted musician Dylan (oh yes he may have smoked a joint too) once sang "The times they are a changing"...... too true but not for the better.


Rant over !


Nice rant!


Unfortunately all the above relating to creative arts is just your personal opinion. Therefore, it's not based on any facts.


I work in the music industry. I know for a fact that there are artists and bands out there that are making amazing records. The problem is, you have to seek it out. Todays industry is saturated with manufactured pop stars who suck, big time. Most of them are against drugs and project a clean cut image.......coincidence????

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I could go on ranting about sihngle moms, AIDs....

I'm just an old fart whose era has largely disappeared but one thing is right as that genuinly gifted musician Dylan (oh yes he may have smoked a joint too) once sang "The times they are a changing"...... too true but not for the better.


Are you seriously putting single mothers and AIDS on the same level of threat to society?


As for Dylan, you've obviously missed the liberal aspect of his songs and the fact that he did more drugs than a joint. The rubbish music of today is not generally down to wannabe gangsters but to the corporate nature of the music industry that churns out formulaic rubbish for idiots rather than the innovative stuff Dylan was doing in the 60s and 70s. That's down to corporatism not to a decline in moral values. Go back 50 years and the reactionaries were saying rock music then was a sign of moral decline.

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You claimed Lennon didn't admit it till the seventies.


I've just proved you wrong.

I didnt claim it, I was reacting on your statement that, quote, " wasnt the sixties" I took your word for that as I didnt search for it and therefore commented on why Lennon may have not wanted release of drug taking up to that time.

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We are forgetting the whole point of this thread. But, you can't deny the fact that a lot of people lead extremely successful lives and have very lucrative careers despite taking drugs every now and then.


Whether you are a fan of the Beatles or not, you can't deny that their music changed the way people perceived pop music. They changed the face of popular culture and there influence can be heard in just about every modern band today.


Drugs are like anything in life. You can have too much of a good thing. You just have to be careful.


Taking a persons choice away from them is not the way to solve a problem. People need educating.


Drugs have grown on our planet for millions od years and people have used them for hundreds and thousands of years. They will never go away.


Drugs will never go away but people who get hooked on them do go away and in a nasty way into the bargain. Say hello to Whitney Houston again.

Once drug free with a voice that was god's gift. Drugs didn't do anything to expand her mind into even greater creativity did they?


Have you stopped to look at what drugs have done to the most vulnerable in society, the young and the poor? Crack cocaine, the choice of the inner city youth. Deadly in that it can become very quickly addictive. Addicts who no longer care about their responisbilities as parents or the necessity to earn a living going around breaking into cars, shoplifting, doing anything, even murder to get the money to pay off the dealer for another fix.

You could write volumes about the damage, destruction and misery that drugs have done to the post 1950s generations.


So you think it's a good idea to legalize drugs because it's " radical chic" that freedom of choice should be a "natural given" in our modern soiphisticated 21st century society?

Tell that to the police, the social workers, the victims of crime and the untold thousands whose lives have been destroyed as a result of drug use.


How would you regulate the use of drugs in a society where they were legal?


Restrict them for the use of the yuppies who drive around in Porsches and Lamborghinis? The "responsible" middle class living in their nice comfortable suburban semi-detached homes? The creative and succesful who bemefit from them in "mind expansion" ? In short those who would only indulge in a joint or two and a snifter of coke on Saturday nights


Wouldnt work work would it?. You couldn't deny the use of drugs to the poor or lesser privileged could you? That wouldn't be democratic at all would it? Sooner or later some lawyer would come along and say that it was unfair and discriminatory :D


I dont know if we'll ever win the war on drugsr. It's an ongoing battle without any clear end in sight but legalizing the stuff would be just plain madness.

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You're posting garbage.




John Lennon admitted that he began taking LSD in 1964 and that


"it went on for years. I must have had a thousand trips. I used to just eat it all the time"


(Rolling Stone, Jan. 7, 1971, p. 39)


In 1969, Lennon said:


"If people can't face up to the fact of other people being naked or smoking pot . then we're never going to get anywhere"


(Penthouse, Oct. 1969, p. 29, cited in The Legacy of John Lennon, p. 66).

those quotes are your contradictions not mine ;)

I believe we have had the same argument before ,the English language is a very hard language to learn and understand in all its complexities and should not be taken verbatim.I do believe its claimed to be the hardest language to learn because of its complexities.

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So you think it's a good idea to legalize drugs because it's " radical chic" that freedom of choice should be a "natural given" in our modern soiphisticated 21st century society?


This is just pure ignorance. The damage caused is because drugs are illegal, that's the point you keep missing and you ignore posts that correct your wildly inaccurate claims.


The system you support harleyman causes untold misery, disease and death. Your idea will kill more young people. Why do you think the police are advocating legalising drugs?


You ignored the question the first time, would you like to see fewer young people take drugs? Yes or no?


Does legalising drugs reduce drug usage, yes or no?


Are the most harmful drugs (alcohol and tobacco) legal whilst relatively benign drugs like heroin are illegal, yes or no?


Please try to respond with considered opinion rather than your usual ignorant ramblings.

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Apart from the contributions of Spielberg and two or three others there is no "creative art" .


The musical world has also suffered a marked decline in quality and substance.



What arrogant twaddle, you're the only arbiter of what constitutes "art" now?



Your opinions on music and film are as stupendously wrong as your opinions on drugs.

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I think if you can't remember your own posts you should bow out of the debate.

Out of context youre trolling again or else you fail to grasp understanding as described above.you first say it wasnt the 60's and then you post a comment stating 1969 as far as I am aware 1969 was the 60's.

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