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Judge - I am the law and I'll do as I please.

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Glad it was just a bit of fun,or a sort of "off the cuff" remark.

Otherwise it may have caused some to discount some of the sensible points you made in your last posts,and that would be a shame.


I hope not. In spite of the "cut and thrust of debate" and a certain amount of ribbing (which I've tried not to indulge in) there's a really serious point here.


If we as a country and a continent want to deal with the problems caused by drugs, particularly addiction - then we must recognise that a great number of those problems arise because of the illegality of the drug in question.


The dangers posed by the substance themselves are actually quite easy to cope with if you approach the problem from a medical standpoint rather than a criminal one.


There's literally billions of pounds that could be reclaimed from the drug economy - easy money for criminals and organised crime who are strong supporters of prohibition, as it keeps the prices up and stops dissatisfied customers from kicking up a fuss with trading standards.


No-one is maintaining that the legalisation of drugs will be without problems and challenges, not least how to even begin debating it.


At the moment it is political and career suicide to mention legalisation whilst in office. This is the result of 40 or 50 years of misinformation - legalising drugs is easy, undoing nearly a century of political lies is much more difficult.


One of the commentators I quoted above makes the point that the USA drives the war on drugs through the UN. In the USA the situation is much, much worse - in the USA the problem is dealt with in a para-military fashion.


Where the authorities allow drug use, the number of drug users go down, crime goes down, drug deaths go down, and the number of families destroyed by simple and largely youthful curiosity and exuberance goes down.


Why should the government have the right to destroy a person's life for doing nothing more heinous than changing their own state of mind?

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