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Judge - I am the law and I'll do as I please.

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Good lord, really? Where? Which countries?


You could got to Iran or Saudi Arabia and light up a joint in the airport arrival terminals. Tell me what happened if you do.


You could be stopped and searched on arrival in Malyasia, Singapore or China in a random baggage search and end up in a very interesting situation.


Get the phone numbers of the British Consuls first

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As long as there's massive demand in the USA for what comes over the border from Mexico there'll be drug dealers in Mexico meeting that demand regardless of however many of them get killed by their rivals. Others will soon take their place because the USA imports drugs from Mexico on such a massive scale.


That makes sense but just giving up is no alternative either. It's not pot that's the critical issue here. Much of it is home grown domestically. It's the possible proliferation of the far more deadly drugs through relaxed laws.

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And get killed?


Who knows what the laws are on marijuana use a strict Islamic state like Iran.

A fair guess is that they're severe. You might wish you were dead though if they throw you in one of their prisons for ten years

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Who knows what the laws are on marijuana use a strict Islamic state like Iran.

A fair guess is that they're severe. You might wish you were dead though if they throw you in one of their prisons for ten years




Iran has a very interesting policy towards buds - planting marijuana is legal if planted for food purposes (Iranians still eat the seeds just like sunflower seeds), and there are also companies in tehran that draw the oil from the seed and sell it legally.


The punishment for possesion of marijuana is a fine of Iranian Rials 10000 (US $1.25) for every gram in your possesion and as long as you have less than 10-15 grams they will not even hassle you.




Smoking it though is technically illegal but enforcement is next to nothing. You can walk anywhere in Iran and puff away and no one will have any idea that you are smoking weed. Most people here smoke hash or opium so smoking weed is considered as OK.



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Iran has a very interesting policy towards buds - planting marijuana is legal if planted for food purposes (Iranians still eat the seeds just like sunflower seeds), and there are also companies in tehran that draw the oil from the seed and sell it legally.


The punishment for possesion of marijuana is a fine of Iranian Rials 10000 (US $1.25) for every gram in your possesion and as long as you have less than 10-15 grams they will not even hassle you.




Smoking it though is technically illegal but enforcement is next to nothing. You can walk anywhere in Iran and puff away and no one will have any idea that you are smoking weed. Most people here smoke hash or opium so smoking weed is considered as OK.




You've been there done that then?

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Headline in a local rag just this morning. The reverend Pat Roberston, 81 says pot should be legalized and treated like alcohol as the governments war on drugs has failed.


Well now you have it.


I'm off to attend one of the Revs. sermons this weekend.


Gettin' high with the Lord folks :clap:


If you cant lick em, join em.

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Ferno thinks legalising in itself will make everything ticketyboo! I'm making the point that alcohol is legal but many abuse it and get into a tangle with it.


True. But then look at how much alcohol is promoted and advertised.


The Carling Cup stands out as a blinding example.


Legalisation of drugs does not mean getting heroin manufacturers to sponsor sporting events or television programmes (however appropriate it might seem). We can both imagine Snooker from the Crucible sponsored by the makers of Propranolol or the Turkish Heroin Company F1 championship, but if we're serious about harm reduction it can't be permitted.


This is something that should be looked at in any royal commission on drugs - and I don't believe they should be advertised at all - and that includes cigs and alcohol.

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As for America it is still very much a country orientated towards Christian belief, even if Christianity is fast disappearing in Europe and decriminalization wouldnt stand a chance nationally.


Why would Christians be against cannabis? I can't remember reading anything about Jesus speaking against it in his teachings.

He did, however, invent the stuff (as his earlier incarnation as God)


From that bible book:

"Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be meat" -God, day 3

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