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Judge - I am the law and I'll do as I please.

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If you're so opposed to drug-users why is your signature a quote by John Lennon?



My signature is irrellavent really,although he might have partaken in the weed he still wrote some fantastic music.It doesnt mean i hate everyone for smoking the stuff its the weed i hate not the person.

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Thick judge. It just creates more crime. The people with the bottle to grow are usually hardened criminals now, this encourages organised crime. If people were allowed to grow one plant they would produce 20 oz min per year, if they were any good at it. Enough for themselves easily. Instead they have to buy it off a youth on a bike...


Stupid, stupid stupid man...

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Can I interject with a question here. How many of these growers have used unsafe methods to circumvent electricity meters, stealing energy in order to operate their equipment & put other innocent households at risk in the process.


And I say put others at risk because I doubt every grower out there has their own detached house in it's own grounds whereby if it caught alight it wouldn't affect any other dwelling.


A lot of the time this is done because growing is illegal. They don't have to explain a massive increase in electricity..

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Thick judge. It just creates more crime. The people with the bottle to grow are usually hardened criminals now, this encourages organised crime. If people were allowed to grow one plant they would produce 20 oz min per year, if they were any good at it. Enough for themselves easily. Instead they have to buy it off a youth on a bike...


Stupid, stupid stupid man...



Should he have given a smack on the wrist,and told not to be a naughty boy.He broke the law and its up to the judges discretion to deal with them how they see fit. Dont forget this judge is probably sick and tired of having to deal with these on a daily basis.

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My signature is irrellavent really,although he might have partaken in the weed he still wrote some fantastic music.It doesnt mean i hate everyone for smoking the stuff its the weed i hate not the person.


He might have partaken in the weed? He might have partaken in a lot of other banned substances too. How do you think he wrote Cold Turkey or do you think it was about sandwiches on Boxing Day?


Only people that use the drug would make a comment like that.


This quote of course must be relevant about Lennon too. Therefore you're quoting as your signature someone you're also saying must be wrong because he smoked weed. The same must go for your support for ECOn00b's support for longer sentences for drug-users which would have included for Lennon. Your argument about hating the weed but not the person is illogical and unconvincing. It's like saying you hate murder but nor murderers.

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Should he have given a smack on the wrist,and told not to be a naughty boy.He broke the law and its up to the judges discretion to deal with them how they see fit. Dont forget this judge is probably sick and tired of having to deal with these on a daily basis.


This judge's daughter died of a heroin overdose and he has a hatred of all drugs. Cannabis is the least harmful drug there is, it doesn't make any sense...

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He might have partaken in the weed? He might have partaken in a lot of other banned substances too. How do you think he wrote Cold Turkey or do you think it was about sandwiches on Boxing Day?




This quote of course must be relevant about Lennon too. Therefore you're quoting as your signature someone you're also saying must be wrong because he smoked weed. The same must go for your support for ECOn00b's support for longer sentences for drug-users which would have included for Lennon. Your argument about hating the weed but not the person is illogical and unconvincing. It's like saying you hate murder but nor murderers.


Why should i hate the person doing the weed..I do not know them as a person to judge.I just hate drugs thats all and the damage it does to innocent people.

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This judge's daughter died of a heroin overdose and he has a hatred of all drugs. Cannabis is the least harmful drug there is, it doesn't make any sense...



What would you have done in his position under the same circumstances.

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