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Judge - I am the law and I'll do as I please.

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That's right, they won't. Not ever. Too much money to be made.


Not unless the current batch of crack users were able to obtain a steady, quality source with a 90% discount on street prices. They'd flock to this new dealer.





Yet the prevalence of drug use in both these countries and many others, now and in historically, is the same as the UK. It's between 1% and 3%. Typically abuse is higher in countries that have authoritarian laws. Countries that liberalise bring the level of use and abuse down, generally speaking.


If you wonder why the Chinese have an 'attitude' to drugs, you need only look to the two opium wars with the UK, when the UK forcibly imported the most addictive drug they could find into the country. Resistance to this trade ultimately brought about an expeditionary war against them, twice - they lost Hong Kong, and the right to refuse opium imports in the process.


Are you seriously suggesting that government should acquire control over such drugs as PCPs? :huh: Officially supplying a substance that is totally destructive mentally and physically? Am I reading you right? :o


Tragic as it is there really is no real solution to the problems of hard core inner city drugs.

Instituting well meaning programs to educate PCP users will only have any measure of success based on the willingness of those addicts to voluntarily participate in such programs and so far there is no indication that such programs have had any resounding success. Schools everywhere have the "dangers of drug use" educational programs and we can only hope that in the long run that such education will keep the young well away from any kind of drugs including even cannabis.

Those already hooked however are another problem. Cops break up gangs but others replace them and addicts have no other ambition but to keep on buying them.

What would you do with these addicts anyway? Round them all up and send them off to some kind of forced rehab camp? Not done in the kind of society we have and it wouldn't work

Whitney Houston was able to afford the best rehab treatment that money could buy but in the end it didn't help her.

What chance therefore does some poor slob in the street have?


In the end it basically amounts to that we are all ultimately responsible for our own actions and decisons and by the same token must bear the consequences.


I smoked a pack of ciggys a day for 12 years but quit almost cold turkey when I realized I could be a candidate for an early grave

My booze these days consists of a bottle of wine a week or 3 or 4 beers. There have been one or two alcoholics in the family and I've see what it did to them

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Are you seriously suggesting that government should acquire control over such drugs as PCPs? :huh: Officially supplying a substance that is totally destructive mentally and physically? Am I reading you right? :o

Yes. For once.


But don't worry about it, you really can't understand in spite of this thread. I'm only replying to you in case other people are reading your posts - as your points need rebuttal.


You've already demonstrated an inability to discuss the points raised, there's no further point. Keep posting, and I'll keep rebutting. If you want a discussion then address any of the rebuttals I've made and we'll take it from there.

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And I keep saying that it will not solve the gang problem. Thousands of inner city, disaffected, underprivileged, unemployed youth from dysfunctional homes will not simply vanish overnight.

They are there. they will remain there and they will find other ways to make money from the trade irregardless of government control


Is there still a big problem with moonshine being sold illegally in the poorer parts of Chicago since prohibition ended?

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Yes. For once.


But don't worry about it, you really can't understand in spite of this thread. I'm only replying to you in case other people are reading your posts - as your points need rebuttal.


You've already demonstrated an inability to discuss the points raised, there's no further point. Keep posting, and I'll keep rebutting. If you want a discussion then address any of the rebuttals I've made and we'll take it from there.



Well three cheers for the government then. Come on folks, we've got crack at discount prices. No need to deal with those overpriced gorillas on street corners. We have prices to fit your budget and we'll send you on your way to oblivion faster and much cheaper


If we cant tax you to death we'll drug you to death

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Well three cheers for the government then. Come on folks, we've got crack at discount prices. No need to deal with those overpriced gorillas on street corners. We have prices to fit your budget and we'll send you on your way to oblivion faster and much cheaper


If we cant tax you to death we'll drug you to death


It must take quite a bit of practice to be as wilfully ignorant as you appear to be. Quite extraordinary.

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Well three cheers for the government then. Come on folks, we've got crack at discount prices. No need to deal with those overpriced gorillas on street corners. We have prices to fit your budget and we'll send you on your way to oblivion faster and much cheaper


If we cant tax you to death we'll drug you to death

So you have read up on the opium wars

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Is there still a big problem with moonshine being sold illegally in the poorer parts of Chicago since prohibition ended?


There's Olde English 800 malt liquor which is cheap and potent and the drink of choice in the poor areas of Los Angeles. I've never seen it for sale in any market or store outside of those areas.


Then there's "Thunderbird" more commonly know as "T-Bird" a really cheap horrible wine that the down and outs on Skid Row drink.


Both of the above are brewed legally

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