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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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If its possible for a straight man to have sex with another man, by the same rule its possible for a lesbian to have sex with a man. So she'd not really gay...


Oh, for goodness sake. Yes, it's possible. Some gay women have had relationships or sex with men. Equally, some gay men have had sex and relationships with women.


One of my straight female friends had a relationship with a gay man when she was in her early twenties.


One of my straight female friends had a relationship with a woman when she was in her early twenties.


One of my male friends, who is in his late 30s, identified as straight up until 18 months ago. He's now what he likes to call heteroflexible and has sex with men, too.


You lot need to start thinking outside the box a little bit where this issue is concerned.

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If its possible for a straight man to have sex with another man, by the same rule its possible for a lesbian to have sex with a man. So she'd not really gay...


It is also entirely possible that some people do not wish to be constrained by a defining sexuality straitjacket and, shock horror, are attracted to the person not just because of their sex, but because sexual attraction is quite complex and many factors are at play. I've known lesbians, gays, straights all have sex with a member or members of the sex that they are not generally sexually attracted to. I've also known people fall in love with members of the sex that they are not usually attracted to. People seem to think that it's black and white and it isn't. None of these people I refer to would ever consider themselves to be bisexual.

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One of my male friends, who is in his late 30s, identified as straight up until 18 months ago. He's now what he likes to call heteroflexible and has sex with men, too.

Some of these labels are absurd. There is nothing 'hetero' about a man having sex with another man.

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That flimsy (**) wiki article is LBGT propaganda designed to challenge what is commonly considered fact: that people can actually be heterosexual. Particularly troublesome for the lobbyists is just how prevalent heterosexuals are in society.



(**) "This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources."

"This section needs attention from an expert on the subject. WikiProject LGBT studies or the LGBT studies Portal may be able to help recruit an expert."



From the article:

"Many people change their sexual behavior depending on the situation or at different points in their life"

For people read homosexuals and bisexuals as this article used to support this statement is as follows: "Sexual identity development among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths: Consistency and change over time". That is, it doesn't address the most prevalent group amongst us: heterosexuals. Tellingly, it's author, Margaret Rosario appears to deal exclusively with LBGT issues. Cleary, no bias from this psychologist. ;)



"One example of situational sexual behavior includes when people might not have sex with prostitutes in their home countries, but may do so when they visit other countries, where such activities are legal or ignored by authorities."


I wouldn't see this as an example of 'transient' behaviour'. It can happen over an expanse of time. It's simply a case of people doing something they would naturally desire to do at any time but to avoid being stigmatised they restrict it solely to those occasions when they can act with impunity.



"... men and women in a university may engage in bisexual activities, but only in that environment. Experimentation of this sort is more common among adolescents (or just after), both male and female."

This is the connected to what I was referring to in a previous post when I metioned the 'sexually undecided'. Why would someone stop being bisexual after college? Perhaps their drug and alcohol consumption reduces or maybe they start a steady relationship and know that their partner would not tolerate infidelity? Most women I've known aren't keen on open relationships and certainly would not sleep with a bisexual male. At the end of the day are rewards that a monogamous relationship can offer which a person who lives the life of a sexual sociopath won't experience.


"Another example is when individuals or members of a community might engage in homosexual behaviors but identify as heterosexual otherwise, such as some people in prison, the military, single sex boarding schools, or other sex-segregated communities."


There is a world of difference between what is natural desire and what comes about as a result of abuse, use of force, coercion, threats, or plying someone with drugs and alcohol. I'm not claiming that identifying heterosexuals don't voluntarily indulge in same-sex situations (which means that, in truth, they are closeted bisexuals) but if straight people resort to it because of physical harm or threats of harm, as would often be true in the scenarios mentioned, then this does not equate with them being bisexual or possessing a sexuality which is transient. Of course this wiki piece fails to acknowledge such mitigating factors because that ain't the agenda. ;)


There are indeed mitigating factors, however much you like to discredit it, there is a paradigm of sexuality that many open minded and sexually liberated people, who do not attach labels to their sexuality and just, shock horror, enjoy sex, move within, depending largely upon whether or not they are sexually attracted to someone, who may be of either sex. Why people (mostly men) have issues accepting this fact, is anyone's guess.

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There are indeed mitigating factors, however much you like to discredit it, there is a paradigm of sexuality that many open minded and sexually liberated people, who do not attach labels to their sexuality and just, shock horror, enjoy sex, move within, depending largely upon whether or not they are sexually attracted to someone, who may be of either sex. Why people (mostly men) have issues accepting this fact, is anyone's guess.


Are you attracted to gay dwarfs?

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And why not? You appear to be attracted to anything with two legs. Dwarfs have two legs, is this inverse discrimination?


How on earth do you decide from the above discussion that suffragette1 a) is sexually attracted to everybody regardless of gender and personal attraction, and b) you have the right to use sexual politics and mysogyny to condemn her because you disagree with her opinions?

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