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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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There are indeed mitigating factors, however much you like to discredit it, there is a paradigm of sexuality that many open minded and sexually liberated people, who do not attach labels to their sexuality and just, shock horror, enjoy sex, move within, depending largely upon whether or not they are sexually attracted to someone, who may be of either sex. Why people (mostly men) have issues accepting this fact, is anyone's guess.


What you describe as open minded and sexually liberated might just as easily be seen by the next person as promiscuous and secretive. People do things because they feel like it but they're often not open about their sexual behaviour to new people they wish to add to their list of conquests, or to those who they pretend to be in monogamous relationships with.


Some of what has been discussed in this thread is very much about the attaching of labels, often new and wholly inappropriate ones such as heteroflexible or SMSM. It's not about (mostly) men having 'issues' accepting fact. I refuse to be fed pseudo-scientific bullshine published by gay lobbyists, whose agenda is promoting homosexuality, an agenda you believe does not exist.


This 'research' tells us that 'straight' men now, apparently can and do indulge in sex with other males. This is deceitful and dishonest and it is LBGT persons who are making these claims. It's obvious that some homosexuals, frustrated by their relatively small numbers in society wish to erase and rewrite the meaning of the word heterosexual so 'straight' males no longer officially exist, just males who usually have sex with women but are open to relations with other men. Sexual fascism and utter nonsense.

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How on earth do you decide from the above discussion that suffragette1 a) is sexually attracted to everybody regardless of gender and personal attraction, and b) you have the right to use sexual politics and mysogyny to condemn her because you disagree with her opinions?


Easy! Read her previous posts. I think only she can answer that Medusa! :)

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Oh, for goodness sake. Yes, it's possible. Some gay women have had relationships or sex with men. Equally, some gay men have had sex and relationships with women.


One of my straight female friends had a relationship with a gay man when she was in her early twenties.


One of my straight female friends had a relationship with a woman when she was in her early twenties.


One of my male friends, who is in his late 30s, identified as straight up until 18 months ago. He's now what he likes to call heteroflexible and has sex with men, too.


You lot need to start thinking outside the box a little bit where this issue is concerned.


Yes but they are not straight if they've had sex with someone of the same sex. They are bi sexual. They must have been sexually attracted. A straight person would not find someone of the same sex attractive. It may have only happened once, but they are by definition, bi sexual....

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And why not? You appear to be attracted to anything with two legs. Dwarfs have two legs, is this inverse discrimination?

Eh? Where have I made any reference to my own sexuality or to whom

I am sexually attracted to?

How on earth do you decide from the above discussion that suffragette1 a) is sexually attracted to everybody regardless of gender and personal attraction, and b) you have the right to use sexual politics and mysogyny to condemn her because you disagree with her opinions?



Easy! Read her previous posts. I think only she can answer that Medusa! :)


I have not anywhere on this thread discussed anything remotely personal.

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It is also entirely possible that some people do not wish to be constrained by a defining sexuality straitjacket and, shock horror, are attracted to the person not just because of their sex, but because sexual attraction is quite complex and many factors are at play. I've known lesbians, gays, straights all have sex with a member or members of the sex that they are not generally sexually attracted to. I've also known people fall in love with members of the sex that they are not usually attracted to. People seem to think that it's black and white and it isn't. None of these people I refer to would ever consider themselves to be bisexual.


Well they're wrong, they may not like the name but they are indeed bi sexual...Its nothing to be ashamed off...there's obviously many more than we thought..

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How on earth do you decide from the above discussion that suffragette1 a) is sexually attracted to everybody regardless of gender and personal attraction, and b) you have the right to use sexual politics and mysogyny to condemn her because you disagree with her opinions?


I'd disagree. He's right to ask the question.

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Yes but they are not straight if they've had sex with someone of the same sex. They are bi sexual. They must have been sexually attracted. A straight person would not find someone of the same sex attractive. It may have only happened once, but they are by definition, bi sexual....


i think you might find a world of hard men in prisons worldwide who would violently disgree with that.


same with sailors of old.


your only gay if you take it. was an ofted used saying.

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What you describe as open minded and sexually liberated might just as easily be seen by the next person as promiscuous and secretive. People do things because they feel like it but they're often not open about their sexual behaviour to new people they wish to add to their list of conquests, or to those who they pretend to be in monogamous relationships with.


Where has promiscuity come into this? Where has infidelity? Conquests?


Some of what has been discussed in this thread is very much about the attaching of labels, often new and wholly inappropriate ones such as heteroflexible or SMSM. It's not about (mostly) men having 'issues' accepting fact. I refuse to be fed pseudo-scientific bullshine published by gay lobbyists, whose agenda is promoting homosexuality, an agenda you believe does not exist.


This 'research' tells us that 'straight' men now, apparently can and do indulge in sex with other males. This is deceitful and dishonest and it is LBGT persons who are making these claims. It's obvious that some homosexuals, frustrated by their relatively small numbers in society wish to erase and rewrite the meaning of the word heterosexual so 'straight' males no longer officially exist, just males who usually have sex with women but are open to relations with other men. Sexual fascism and utter nonsense.


There's no gay lobby, no conspiracy against straight men. If anything there is a movement towards greater tolerance, greater awareness and understanding of the nature of sexuality.


And, sexual fascism? Really? When it's LGBT people who are getting killed and bullied as a direct result of their sexuality?

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Eh? Where have I made any reference to my own sexuality or to whom

I am sexually attracted to?






I have not anywhere on this thread discussed anything remotely personal.


Doh! Previous posts, in various threads. I thought you liked that cricket guy?

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