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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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I have no idea why some straight men are so invested in the idea that no other straight man might have had a homosexual encounter, decided it wasn't for them, and gone back to sleeping solely with women, or whatever the example might be.

My bold. Possible because you're not a straight male! Nor do you even seem to know what it means. I know many straight males. I'm not aware of any who've "had a homosexual encounter". It's not something us straight males do.



All the above does is confirm your prejudices and assumptions about sexuality.

Prejudices and assumptions? :D Although you find it convenient to claim that, it appears to me to be the biggest cop-out of the thread so far .. and there's been a few. I prefer to deal with reality, rather than pick and choose which factors suit my decided stance, whilst ignoring remainder.


If this is all part of the 'gay lobby's agenda as you claim, then why would gay therapists categorise men who sleep with other men voluntarily as straight?:huh:

Because it attacks the very meaning of what it is to be straight, obviously!


This 'research' tells us that 'straight' men now, apparently can and do indulge in sex with other males. This is deceitful and dishonest and it is LBGT persons who are making these claims. It's obvious that some homosexuals, frustrated by their relatively small numbers in society, wish to erase and rewrite the meaning of the word heterosexual so 'straight' males no longer officially exist, just males who usually have sex with women but are open to relations with other men. Sexual fascism and utter nonsense.
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What you describe as open minded and sexually liberated might just as easily be seen by the next person as promiscuous and secretive. People do things because they feel like it but they're often not open about their sexual behaviour to new people they wish to add to their list of conquests, or to those who they pretend to be in monogamous relationships with.


Some of what has been discussed in this thread is very much about the attaching of labels, often new and wholly inappropriate ones such as heteroflexible or SMSM. It's not about (mostly) men having 'issues' accepting fact. I refuse to be fed pseudo-scientific bullshine published by gay lobbyists, whose agenda is promoting homosexuality, an agenda you believe does not exist.


This 'research' tells us that 'straight' men now, apparently can and do indulge in sex with other males. This is deceitful and dishonest and it is LBGT persons who are making these claims. It's obvious that some homosexuals, frustrated by their relatively small numbers in society wish to erase and rewrite the meaning of the word heterosexual so 'straight' males no longer officially exist, just males who usually have sex with women but are open to relations with other men. Sexual fascism and utter nonsense.


Not new at at all, Kinsey's pioneering research into SMSM goes back to the 1940s and 1950s.


Edit: For those disbelievers, I've attached some research entitled "Discordance between Sexual Behavior and Self-Reported Sexual Identity: A Population-Based Survey of New York City Men" which points to the existence and frequency of straight men who have sex with men. It's from the 'Annals of Internal Medicine'



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My bold. Possible because you're not a straight male! Nor do you even seem to know what it means. I know many straight males. I'm not aware of any who've "had a homosexual encounter". It's not something us straight males do.


Why don't you enlighten us then? Please do explain why some straight males are so invested in the idea that other straight males do not, will not, cannot and have not ever had a same-sex encounter. I'd love to hear the reasoning on this one.

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It is also entirely possible that some people do not wish to be constrained by a defining sexuality straitjacket and, shock horror, are attracted to the person not just because of their sex, but because sexual attraction is quite complex and many factors are at play. I've known lesbians, gays, straights all have sex with a member or members of the sex that they are not generally sexually attracted to. I've also known people fall in love with members of the sex that they are not usually attracted to. People seem to think that it's black and white and it isn't. None of these people I refer to would ever consider themselves to be bisexual.


I agree, shades of grey etc etc


Sexuality may be a fluid thing for some people, someone may be attracted to a certain sex for years and then meet someone of another sex who totally rocks their boat.

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Why don't you enlighten us then? Please do explain why some straight males are so invested in the idea that other straight males do not, will not, cannot and have not ever had a same-sex encounter. I'd love to hear the reasoning on this one.


It's not about being invested in an idea. Straight males are not attracted to other males, do not become sexually aroused by them and find the hypothetical scenario of them performing a sex-act with another male to be repulsive.

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My bold. Possible because you're not a straight male! Nor do you even seem to know what it means. I know many straight males. I'm not aware of any who've "had a homosexual encounter". It's not something us straight males do.




Prejudices and assumptions? :D Although you find it convenient to claim that, it appears to me to be the biggest cop-out of the thread so far .. and there's been a few. I prefer to deal with reality, rather than pick and choose which factors suit my decided stance, whilst ignoring remainder.



Because it attacks the very meaning of what it is to be straight, obviously!

Well, we obviously move in different circles. It could be argued that it's impossible to really know one's true sexuality until alternatives have been explored. This 'gay lobby' is not seeking to attack the very meaning of being straight at all.

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It's not about being invested in an idea. Straight males are not attracted to other males, do not become sexually aroused by them and find the hypothetical scenario of them performing a sex-act with another male to be repulsive.


So why is it then that in some cultures where sex segregation is the norm and in all male institutions where men have no access to a vagina, they will have sex with one another?

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Well, we obviously move in different circles. It could be argued that it's impossible to really know one's true sexuality until alternatives have been explored. This 'gay lobby' is not seeking to attack the very meaning of being straight at all.


Look out sheep here I come.

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Why don't you enlighten us then? Please do explain why some straight males are so invested in the idea that other straight males do not, will not, cannot and have not ever had a same-sex encounter. I'd love to hear the reasoning on this one.


I suspect that with some it may be because they're frightened that they may actually enjoy a same sex encounter? Just a guess.

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