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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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And not bisexual, just transitory pansexual?






aren't we all pansexual or even homosexual in a "mental sense "in same sex relationships ' the greeks recognized this thousands of years ago, as in teacher and student relationships.


but when it becomes a physical relationship then and only then does it become a perversion of hetrosexual sexuality

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aren't we all pansexual or even homosexual in a "mental sense "in same sex relationships ' the greeks recognized this thousands of years ago, as in teacher and student relationships.


but when it becomes a physical relationship then and only then does it become a perversion of hetrosexual sexuality


I suspect that for many people, their natural state is bi-curious? They may well be predominantly attracted to people of one sex, but have at some point in their lives had a crush on someone of the 'other' sex. This is particularly common in teenagers I think, especially girls who tend to form intense friendships. Whether this is conscious or not, it is quite prevalent.

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And also attracted to two females performing a sex act, which more than likely isn't so repulsive...may even go further and say it's attractive.



I'm not sure what "straight" find repulsive in a sexual act...maybe shims could break this one down and define what it is exactly that's repulsive, or what he feels is repulsive.


Edit: Tax beat me to it.


Good point. The number of men who recoil at the very notion of homosexuality seem to embrace girl on girl (faux lesbian) action in porn and a recurring sexual fantasy for them is watching and partaking in group sex with 2 or more women, which is the acceptable face of 'homosexuality'. Many of these female porn stars would not consider themselves to be bisexual in the slightest.

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So is it the sex-act that's repulsive to you or the gender of the person doing it?


Some sex acts are repulsive no matter who is doing it, (to some people obviously)


Surely the gender, given that heterosexual couples can and do enjoy a lot of the same acts as homosexual couples. Funny how straight men are only usually willing to play one role in certain activities though.

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Surely the gender, given that heterosexual couples can and do enjoy a lot of the same acts as homosexual couples. Funny how straight men are only usually willing to play one role in certain activities though.


I knew someone like that. Ran a mile at the suggestion of "reversing roles".


Not only was he being unfair in only giving and not taking he also missed out on a whole range of experiences and fun. Big wuss.



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My bold. Possible because you're not a straight male! Nor do you even seem to know what it means. I know many straight males. I'm not aware of any who've "had a homosexual encounter". It's not something us straight males do.


Speak for yourself, shims. I consider myself to be straight. I have had numerous sexual relationships with women, am marrying a woman soon and find women sexually attractive. I have had two brief 'homosexual encounters' in my late teens/early twenties, both of which were quite enjoyable at the time and neither of which I regret.

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Speak for yourself, shims. I consider myself to be straight. I have had numerous sexual relationships with women, am marrying a woman soon and find women sexually attractive. I have had two brief 'homosexual encounters' in my late teens/early twenties, both of which were quite enjoyable at the time and neither of which I regret.


There you go, well said and what a refreshingly healthy attitude. A testament to one's sexual journey of self discovery and sexual awakening of the truly sexually liberated. I applaud you.:thumbsup:

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I have never believed bisexuality existed at all.

My understanding is that we all live life in a moving range of attraction between fully bent to fully straight. This scale moves around constantly and moves in intensity throughout the whole of our lifespan.

The bulk of the population are mostly generally in the range described as completley straight, but the ones who do the complaining are the ones who want to be straight but there is something funny that they really do not like..

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