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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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Thats the way I was brought up, I make no apologies for that, when I first started out fresh from school men were men and homosexuality was a no no,I know its different these days but spare a thought for those brought up in a different environment its very hard for anyone to suddenly denounce all they have been taught as morals by their parents,in my early days as a drinker and carrying on from my parents times there was only really one drink and that was best bitter then lager gradually filtered up north but was scorned by hardened beer drinkers as a womens or a "poofs" drink indeed if you walked into the rough pubs of Sheffield and ordered a lager you had better have a woman with you or face the consequences.

Im not making any judgement on the present or the past, just telling it how it was.


My bold - no, it's not. Anyone with an enquiring mind and a sense of independence can get over any kind of upbringing if they want to.


And as for bisexuality being a minefield - no more than any other kind of sexual preference. Why would it be?

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My bold - no, it's not. Anyone with an enquiring mind and a sense of independence can get over any kind of upbringing if they want to.


And as for bisexuality being a minefield - no more than any other kind of sexual preference. Why would it be?



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Its easy for a someone who is one or the other to say that,try and put yourself into the mind of someone who doesnt know what he/she is.


That's a complete misapprehension of bisexuality. I'm bisexual, and I know that it means I'm attracted to men and women. I've had relationships with men and women.


It's really very, very straightforward.

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Its easy for a someone who is one or the other to say that,try and put yourself into the mind of someone who doesnt know what he/she is.


Bisexuals do know what they are - bisexual. And I said it as someone who neither 'one or the other'.

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That's a complete misapprehension of bisexuality. I'm bisexual, and I know that it means I'm attracted to men and women. I've had relationships with men and women.


It's really very, very straightforward.


Exactly. I'm not sure what leads people to think it's some state of confusion.

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My bold - no, it's not. Anyone with an enquiring mind and a sense of independence can get over any kind of upbringing if they want to.


And as for bisexuality being a minefield - no more than any other kind of sexual preference. Why would it be?

Didnt say I hadnt got over it but my parents teachings are still the backbone of my path through life I dont these days question homosexuality but I still dont understand it completely I have my morals as taught to me by my parents which says homosexuality is dirty and a no no but this is tempered by my understanding of the homosexual being as "just another guy/gal" by my education on the streets.

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Didnt say I hadnt got over it but my parents teachings are still the backbone of my path through life I dont these days question homosexuality but I still dont understand it completely I have my morals as taught to me by my parents which says homosexuality is dirty and a no no but this is tempered by my understanding of the homosexual being as "just another guy/gal" by my education on the streets.


I hate to be the one to break it to you, but those aren't morals. They're prejudices born of ignorance and fear.


There is no moral argument against homosexuality whatsoever.

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That's a complete misapprehension of bisexuality. I'm bisexual, and I know that it means I'm attracted to men and women. I've had relationships with men and women.


It's really very, very straightforward.

Im sorry ,I do tend to see the sexuality of people as either Im not knocking anyone it just appears to me as though there would be a conflict in the mind of a bisexual,I remember reading about someone in the States,where else,going on a killing spree because of the dilemma as to whether he was straight or gay because he fancied men and women.

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