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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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Surely the gender, given that heterosexual couples can and do enjoy a lot of the same acts as homosexual couples. Funny how straight men are only usually willing to play one role in certain activities though.


Yes, that is a strange thing isn't it? Happily, both of the men closest to me ( i.e. the only ones in my life who I feel wholly comfortable in discussing such matters with), my best friend and my older brother share my view that giving can often be better than receiving.

I may be naive, but I have a gut feeling that it's an issue that really divides men between those who really love women and delight in their physicality from those that (if you'll pardon the pun) only pay lip service to the idea.

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Good point. The number of men who recoil at the very notion of homosexuality seem to embrace girl on girl (faux lesbian) action in porn and a recurring sexual fantasy for them is watching and partaking in group sex with 2 or more women, which is the acceptable face of 'homosexuality'. Many of these female porn stars would not consider themselves to be bisexual in the slightest.



And the same men also watch other men..maybe 4 or 5 at a time naked and at attention performing with a single woman. I wonder if they avert their eyes from the male form or try to ignore their existence? :hihi:

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Speak for yourself, shims. I consider myself to be straight. I have had numerous sexual relationships with women, am marrying a woman soon and find women sexually attractive. I have had two brief 'homosexual encounters' in my late teens/early twenties, both of which were quite enjoyable at the time and neither of which I regret.


Ooooooh, Mr Halibut.

We may need to get to know each other a little better;)

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Speak for yourself, shims. I consider myself to be straight. I have had numerous sexual relationships with women, am marrying a woman soon and find women sexually attractive. I have had two brief 'homosexual encounters' in my late teens/early twenties, both of which were quite enjoyable at the time and neither of which I regret.





so would you discribe yourself as a transitory pansexual or bisexual?


or a homosexual with short term memory loss or hetroflexible or genderblind

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There you go, well said and what a refreshingly healthy attitude. A testament to one's sexual journey of self discovery and sexual awakening of the truly sexually liberated. I applaud you.:thumbsup:




how is having a couple of teenage homosexual encounters sexually liberating and a dicovery of self?

I"d think for most people especially teenages it'd be more emotionally confusing than liberating.


btw is that your definition of sexual liberation.?

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so would you discribe yourself as a transitory pansexual or bisexual?


or a homosexual with short term memory loss or hetroflexible or genderblind


I answered that question in the post you quoted. Try reading it again.

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how is having a couple of teenage homosexual encounters sexually liberating and a dicovery of self?

I"d think for most people especially teenages it'd be more emotionally confusing than liberating.


btw is that your definition of sexual liberation.?


The whole sexual arena as a teen is a minefield, even more so these days as porn seems to increasingly define one's attitude towards sex.


I would define sexual liberation as being confident about trying new things, being clear about what one wants and does not want, uninhibited, not straitjacketed by the constraints imposed upon us by society/culture/religion and above all, enjoyment of sex. With the proviso of course that this all happens between consenting adults.

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