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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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That argument applies to us all, regardless of our sexuality. Not one of could say with 100% certainty that we would never enter into a relationship with a man or woman. Tom Glad to be Gay Robinson is now with a woman. Anything can happen. We're all capable of falling in love with someone we never dreamed of.


There are different levels of being "bi" its not a 50/50 thing... It could be a 1/99 thing. But its still bi sexual..


Bi means two, as in two sexes. Having sexual encounters with both sexes means you're bi, to one degree or another.


Its difficult to say what would happen if we were locked away with the same sex for 10 years, and whether we'd stay over to the same sex....If we did we'd be bi sexual. If we didn't we'd be straight.


What if a gay person was locked up with the opposite sex for 10 years. Do you think they may stray to the opposite sex, and if they did would they be straight, bi or gay?

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So what are they then,I know Hecate is on about labeling or rather not labeling but in that case why the need for homosexuals tagging themselves as gay.

As for your comparisons I think we may be straying into something else other than homosexuality or indeed straightness.

Or the need of those who've never felt the desire to branch out from their exclusively heterosexual sexual activities to label themselves as straight? As I mentioned, those positions of current exclusivity perhaps do represent the peaks in the distribution, and there's nothing at all odd about self-identifying as such at a given time.


The issue for me, in this thread about bisexuality, is the apparent need by some folk to categorize others' sexuality according to their own static views about the whys and wherefores of what consenting adults get up to in bed, thus ignoring the subtleties, fluidity and complexity of sexuality.

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There are different levels of being "bi" its not a 50/50 thing... It could be a 1/99 thing. But its still bi sexual..


Bi means two, as in two sexes. Having sexual encounters with both sexes means you're bi, to one degree or another.


Its difficult to say what would happen if we were locked away with the same sex for 10 years, and whether we'd stay over to the same sex....If we did we'd be bi sexual. If we didn't we'd be straight.


What if a gay person was locked up with the opposite sex for 10 years. Do you think they may stray to the opposite sex, and if they did would they be straight, bi or gay?


I think that it is a very common phenomenon for people, regardless of their sexuality, to develop sexual feelings for someone with whom they spend a lot of exclusive time. The extreme of this is of course Stockholm syndrome.


However, I am with Hecate on this, human sexuality is very complex, which seems to be dismissed on this thread. All this faux interest in Halibut's sexual history is just a smokescreen to try and label him a closet gay or practising bisexual. I note that none of the other posters who have admitted to same sex experiences have been interrogated or discussed to such an extent.:roll:

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The whole sexual arena as a teen is a minefield, even more so these days as porn seems to increasingly define one's attitude towards sex.


I would define sexual liberation as being confident about trying new things, being clear about what one wants and does not want, uninhibited, not straitjacketed by the constraints imposed upon us by society/culture/religion and above all, enjoyment of sex. With the proviso of course that this all happens between consenting adults.




you can have sexual freedom , freedom of choice . yet still be in an straightjacket and not be sexually liberated. being and doing all thoses things doesn't mean you're sexually aware or liberated you;re just being promiscuous ,not liberated


don't you think it as a more sopfisticated evaluation to it than morality and politics?

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you can have sexual freedom , freedom of choice . yet still be in an straightjacket and not be sexually liberated. being and doing all thoses things doesn't mean you're sexually aware or liberated you;re just being promiscuous ,not liberated


don't you think it as a more sopfisticated evaluation to it than morality and politics?


I don't like the terms promiscuous or morality. As I said, two, or more, consenting adults, provided they are comfortable with what they're doing and enjoying it. I'm not sure that I understand what you're saying to be honest.

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Or the need of those who've never felt the desire to branch out from their exclusively heterosexual sexual activities to label themselves as straight? As I mentioned, those positions of current exclusivity perhaps do represent the peaks in the distribution, and there's nothing at all odd about self-identifying as such at a given time.


The issue for me, in this thread about bisexuality, is the apparent need by some folk to categorize others' sexuality according to their own static views about the whys and wherefores of what consenting adults get up to in bed, thus ignoring the subtleties, fluidity and complexity of sexuality.

So in a nut shell youre saying we should all try gay sex,youre having a laugh surely.

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I don't like the terms promiscuous or morality. As I said, two, or more, consenting adults, provided they are comfortable with what they're doing and enjoying it. I'm not sure that I understand what you're saying to be honest.


I was disagreeing with your definition of sexual liberation .

before you can liberate sexuallty you have to know what sexuallty is.

alot of people think because they're shaging every thing on two legs it makes them sexually liberated .


to put it another way what do you think sexuallty really is, and are we useing it, or is it useing us .?

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So in a nut shell youre saying we should all try gay sex,youre having a laugh surely.

That made me chuckle. How strange. No, of course that's not what I'm saying (but do feel free to give it a go should the fancy take you).

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I was disagreeing with your definition of sexual liberation .


alot of people think because they're shaging every thing on two legs makes them sexually liberated .


Then that is their definition and it's up to them. I personally would argue that unless they're really enjoying it and are doing it because they really want to and choose to, then I would not call that liberating.

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