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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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So is it the sex-act that's repulsive to you or the gender of the person doing it?


Some sex acts are repulsive no matter who is doing it, (to some people obviously)


For someone who is a straight male, the idea of performing any sex act with another male is unpleasant to contemplate. I believe men are more concerned with the aesthetic when it comes to sexuality and dropping another male into the scenario, instead of a female, is enough to make a straight male feel queasy. Obviously not the case for a gay male.

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So why is it then that in some cultures where sex segregation is the norm and in all male institutions where men have no access to a vagina, they will have sex with one another?

Perhaps they are not straight, or maybe they would have sex with anything. Some people have sex with inanimate objects and, unfortunately even other species. I assume the inanimate objects are simply a 'helper' in the act, a means to an end and neither a turn-on or turn-off. In the latter scenario I guess there must be some attraction to the individuals who would break that taboo.


If you can become sexually aroused by a male and perform with him then there is a homosexual urge.


I bet you can tell the difference between attractive and unattractive men, though.

Certainly but only up to a point. A male that I would expect females to be 'into' might not actually be their cup of tea,, just as I've found other males fussing over certain females that do little for me.


I'd say we can tell the difference between an attractive and a less attractive child too ... but in a general, broad physical sense, not because we would have a sexual attraction to them.

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Perhaps they are not straight, or maybe they would have sex with anything. Some people have sex with inanimate objects and, unfortunately even other species. I assume the inanimate objects are simply a 'helper' in the act, a means to an end and neither a turn-on or turn-off. In the latter scenario I guess there must be some attraction to the individuals who would break that taboo.


If you can become sexually aroused by a male and perform with him then there is a homosexual urge.



Certainly but only up to a point. A male that I would expect females to be 'into' might not actually be their cup of tea,, just as I've found other males fussing over certain females that do little for me.


I'd say we can tell the difference between an attractive and a less attractive child too ... but in a general, broad physical sense, not because we would have a sexual attraction to them.


Fair point - but in being able to distinguish between attractive and unattractive means that you are, on one level, simply attracted to attractive human beings, and repelled by unattractive ones - and the difference between the two is down, largely, to your personal feelings.


Being gay, lesbian bisexual or transgender is a matter of self-identification - and amounts to more than a simple classification of the mechanics of sexual intercourse.

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[...] The issue for me, in this thread about bisexuality, is the apparent need by some folk to categorize others' sexuality according to their own static views about the whys and wherefores of what consenting adults get up to in bed, thus ignoring the subtleties, fluidity and complexity of sexuality.


This. ffjdkfla;dslfkj

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Yes but the labellings of gays or whatever seems to be exclusive to them ,I would imagine ,and Im sure you will correct me if Im wrong,that being labelled straight was probably the invention of gays, indeed in my days heterosexuals felt no need to label themselves so again your argument is flawed,categorization of sexuality in your terms didnt exist in those days and only came into being recently on the introduction of the legality of homosexuality and the ensuing acceptability.

Back to the subject of bisexuality David Bowie had early leanings towards same sex,sex but entered into a totally heterosexual relationship and as far as I am aware still is..but he still says hes Bi even though he may have left that past behind and his "experimenting" were certainly not the result of a "mixed up teen"



They don't now either, what are you on about?

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I'm straight but i have slept with many men..


U.S. Call "Sleeping with someone" as having sex...


Tell that to my buddies who are fighting the war in afganistan?...


Sorry, can't quite figure out what you are trying to say here, can you clarify?

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