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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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Halibut. If you can't work out what im saying then thres is no point in you replying.


If people haven't a clue what you're trying to say, there's no point in you saying it.


Does anyone else understand what he was trying to say?

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I can't believe that after all these posts that this subject has not been verified yet ! I am the polar opposite to Halibut in the sense that I used to like women and indeed married one and had two lovely kids but there was a time when I started getting attracted to men as well and I followed my urges and found that I actually prefer men to women. I suppose that the transition period between sexual preference was indeed bi-sexuality for a while. I did not fit in anywhere at this junction in my life, well not to me anyway. I do still like the female form but I am only attracted to their breasts and their minds. I suppose that a little of the heterosexual still resides in me that will never go away, as i was once one but my sexuality now is gay and proud to be so. I wonder, Halibut, do you still think of your homosexual experiences from time to time and wonder "why" or "what if" ??

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I wonder, Halibut, do you still think of your homosexual experiences from time to time and wonder "why" or "what if" ??


Very rarely and if I do it's in a 'well that was interesting' way rather than anything else. No 'what if's' present themselves really. It was was it was.

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They don't now either, what are you on about?

Clearly youre not following the thread ,before homosexuality became legal and accepted there was no such thing as a straight person the term wasnt used, people were people men were men and women were women,there was no public name for homosexuality only the terms that are now classed as derogatory,queers and poofs are two of the tame ones,homosexuality as far as the general populace were concerned did not exist so the term straight had no significant meaning except for in cases such as "hes as straight as a die" meaning hes honest.

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Clearly youre not following the thread ,before homosexuality became legal and accepted there was no such thing as a straight person the term wasnt used, people were people men were men and women were women,there was no public name for homosexuality only the terms that are now classed as derogatory,queers and poofs are two of the tame ones,homosexuality as far as the general populace were concerned did not exist so the term straight had no significant meaning except for in cases such as "hes as straight as a die" meaning hes honest.


homosexual (adj.)


1892, in C.G. Chaddock's translation of Krafft-Ebing's "Psychopathia Sexualis," from Ger. homosexual, homosexuale (by 1880, in Gustav Jäger), from homo-, comb. form of Gk. homos "same" (see homo- (1)) + Latin-based sexual.


"Homosexual" is a barbarously hybrid word, and I claim no responsibility for it. It is, however, convenient, and now widely used. "Homogenic" has been suggested as a substitute. [H. Havelock Ellis, "Studies in Psychology," 1897]


Sexual inversion (1883) was an earlier clinical term for it in English. The noun is recorded by 1895. In technical use, either male or female; but in non-technical use almost always male. Slang shortened form homo first attested 1929.



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Clearly youre not following the thread ,before homosexuality became legal and accepted there was no such thing as a straight person the term wasnt used, people were people men were men and women were women,there was no public name for homosexuality only the terms that are now classed as derogatory,queers and poofs are two of the tame ones,homosexuality as far as the general populace were concerned did not exist so the term straight had no significant meaning except for in cases such as "hes as straight as a die" meaning hes honest.


You seem very confused and after reading your post so am I. Are you saying that at one time 'men were men' and 'women were women' but since the decriminalisation of homosexuality the boundaries between men and women shifted or that ideas of masculinity and femininity changed since decriminalisation. Or just that gay men can't be men and gay women can't be women.

For some of the population homosexuality didn't exist, but surely most people had heard of Oscar Wilde and knew he was gay.

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