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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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I was in my late teens in 1991 when according to the above it was legal to rape your wife. If I knew then in 1991 as a young adult that raping your wife was wrong, why then since over 40 years since the decriminalisation of homosexuality you are saying "that's how we were brought up". Maybe you were. Plenty of people still think like that now.


Incidentally I thought Glamrock - the era of Bowie and Bolan were a time of experimenting with your image and sexuality. You can't have been that naive surely - I take it that's when you were a teenager in the early 70s

I do believe I have already stated that you dont seem to be following the thread rather youre just commenting on what takes your fantasy.

Re the Glamrock era youre not old enough to understand it,it was a time of fun,music and the ability to take the P out of oneselves,it was nothing to do with any political or moralistic stance.

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Why would those people be unhappy and repressed ,what you dont know about cannot hurt you, they were a lot happier and the community spirit was more pronounced then than it is today..I wonder why ?


Just because your pit village may not have had Gay Pride marches or openly gay people DOES NOT mean there were no homosexual or bisexual people within that community. It just means they were underground for fear of being arrested or beaten up by some git.


You might as well claim that there are no gay or bisexual professional footballers. Statistically there must be, but they aren't out. Just like your pit village.


Someone doesn't have to have read the Ballad of Reading Gaol to be gay you know.

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I do believe I have already stated that you dont seem to be following the thread rather youre just commenting on what takes your fantasy.

Re the Glamrock era youre not old enough to understand it,it was a time of fun,music and the ability to take the P out of oneselves,it was nothing to do with any political or moralistic stance.


Have you ever heard the expression 'the personal is political'?


Of course the glamrock era had political implications. Just because you chose to ignore them doesn't mean they don't exist.


Have a look at the list of references in the entry on Wikipedia for a taster of some of the sources that discuss the issue, but safe to say that any cultural movement that sees a lot of men wearing shiny sparkly pretty things and make up has implications for gender norms and sexual expression.

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Have you ever heard the expression 'the personal is political'?


Of course the glamrock era had political implications. Just because you chose to ignore them doesn't mean they don't exist.


Have a look at the list of references in the entry on Wikipedia for a taster of some of the sources that discuss the issue, but safe to say that any cultural movement that sees a lot of men wearing shiny sparkly pretty things and make up has implications for gender norms and sexual expression.


There will always be people who "just don't get it" such as the racists who homed in on Ska music in the 80's. Even though the music itself and the bands that played it were as far removed from racism as you could possibly get.

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Have you ever heard the expression 'the personal is political'?


Of course the glamrock era had political implications. Just because you chose to ignore them doesn't mean they don't exist.


Have a look at the list of references in the entry on Wikipedia for a taster of some of the sources that discuss the issue, but safe to say that any cultural movement that sees a lot of men wearing shiny sparkly pretty things and make up has implications for gender norms and sexual expression.

One question were you there ?

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Just because your pit village may not have had Gay Pride marches or openly gay people DOES NOT mean there were no homosexual or bisexual people within that community. It just means they were underground for fear of being arrested or beaten up by some git.


You might as well claim that there are no gay or bisexual professional footballers. Statistically there must be, but they aren't out. Just like your pit village.


Someone doesn't have to have read the Ballad of Reading Gaol to be gay you know.

I believe I said that earlier please try to keep up


post 287

"until I was 17 I had never seen a homosexual or at least to my knowledge I had never seen one"

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No, I wasn't. Is being alive during a time something happened the only qualification for knowing anything about it? I must remember to tell that to everyone I know who works on Shakespeare.
It's the reason we, as a species, are doomed to forever make the same mistakes over and over and over again.


You'll see te evidence all over this thread

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How would that be relevant at all?

Youre having a laugh ,of course its relevant,Glam Rock political ! it was about fun nothing more and anyone who says different were either not there or have read something by someone who havent the foggiest idea.

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