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Bisexuals, where do they fit in

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What you are presenting there as morals were the result of ignorance and fear. In philosophical terms, there is no moral argument against homosexuality.


Further back than 50 years ago - like, say, in ancient Greece, to pick an example not entirely at random - attitudes were very different from the Victorian 'morality' you're talking about there.


I'll be honest - I don't particularly care if siblings want to have sex. It doesn't shock me, or upset me. It may be unusual, but sibling-attraction happens. And incest as fantasy is very, very popular, as evidenced by the large amount of porn that is incest-themed.

Who is to what is ignorance and fear and what is normal and what is not ,just because a bunch of politicians decided that homosexuality is legal doesnt make it right in the eyes of god..Im not a bible basher Im just playing the devils advocate, re the subject it has the makings of an interesting debate ..until the trolls arrive

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IMO they are just people like gays, straights, transexuals etc, they are human beings like you or i, they shouldnt have to 'fit in' to society as there sexuallity shouldnt be an issue at all. itis only people who dont understand that have issues, they should be addressed by their name not as a 'bisexual', just my opinion :D

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The thing is I have friends who are openly gay ,men and women and repect them for their openness as yet I have never met a openly bisexual,again i stress Im just being inquisitive,is there a stigma attached to bisexuality among both sides of the coin, Gays and straights.

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Who is to what is ignorance and fear and what is normal and what is not ,just because a bunch of politicians decided that homosexuality is legal doesnt make it right in the eyes of god..Im not a bible basher Im just playing the devils advocate, re the subject it has the makings of an interesting debate ..until the trolls arrive


I don't believe in god, and I don't believe in arguing with devil's advocate on important issues like this.


I take the view that the only sane position on sexuality is that what consenting adults do is their business and theirs alone.

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I don't believe in god, and I don't believe in arguing with devil's advocate on important issues like this.


I take the view that the only sane position on sexuality is that what consenting adults do is their business and theirs alone.

Come on its not that important,its not world changing and no ones about to die,maybe its people like you with a high moral stance on the question of homosexuality that drove it underground in the first place all those years ago

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