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No respect, not even for the dead.

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It's not Islamaphobic to criticise the way a religion teaches its followers to kill the infidel. Are you stating the Koran doesn't state this?


Do you even understand the term 'context' ?


And btw, do you know who coined the word 'Infidel' in the first place ? - it was the Christians (at the time of the Crusades) against the Muslims.


In your ignorance, I don't suppose you knew that :cool:


You also went down the racism route mentioning the BNP/EDL, I'm neither and refuse to enter into a debate with someone who labels people as racist for having an opinion on an evil religion. You've instantly proved you don't understand your own arguments.


You 'justify' your racism by having hatred of anything 'Islamic' or 'Muslim'. That's pretty sick and disgusting in the majority of peoples' eyes.


Until then it will just remain a game of tit for tat which I'm not willing to engage in as the mods on SF are Islam sympathisers and I will get the ban.



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Do you even understand the term 'context' ?


And btw, do you know who coined the word 'Infidel' in the first place ? - it was the Christians (at the time of the Crusades) against the Muslims.


In your ignorance, I don't suppose you knew that :cool:




You 'justify' your racism by having hatred of anything 'Islamic' or 'Muslim'. That's pretty sick and disgusting in the majority of peoples' eyes.






Again, what's racist about disliking Islam?

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I question your use of the terms 'animals' and 'savages'. Reprehensible and offensive as their actions undoubtedly are to reduce them to these terms sidesteps the fact that they are people and fails to adress the issues that led to them behaving the way they did.


You would.

Like clockwork.

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Are you going to keep labelling everybody racist without backing it up?


Again, what's racist about disliking Islam?


You hide your racism behind religion; you see, that's what the racist scum such as the BNP/EDL do (so they don't fall foul of the law).


You would.

Like clockwork.


Hey, MM; do you have any comment on what Israel did ? - are they animals and savages too ?

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I question your use of the terms 'animals' and 'savages'. Reprehensible and offensive as their actions undoubtedly are to reduce them to these terms sidesteps the fact that they are people and fails to adress the issues that led to them behaving the way they did.



You are just an incredibly bad troll.


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