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Parents: Pay attention to your child's Facebook activity

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Before you all jump on the bandwagon and slate me for reopening an old post, I think parents still need to be aware of the dangers of social networking sites like facebook and BBM for young children. 13 is the legal age for having a facebook account! When my daughter started secondary school in September, I was amazed when she began coming home telling me about all her 11 year old friends that were using the site and refused blankly her requests to allow her to join. Then stupidly I eventually gave in. I've watched the awareness film but I thought I could keep tabs on her usage of it. They think that having 'x' amount of 'friends' is cool but it is scary to realize how many children are allowed on these sites and parents not being aware of what is happening. All the parents I've spoken to, have all told me the same thing-- they are fine, it keeps them occupied--FATAL. I found out by vetting my daughters facebook that they are not FINE. I laid the law down to my daughter before giving her the go ahead, don't accept anyone you don't know as a friend. Watch what you are saying etc etc. She did fine to begin with, but then her friends at school told her to accept anyone and how much fun it was. One night while on it, she approached me with her phone and asked me if a picture that had come on was my daughter in laws uncle. I looked at the pic and realized it wasn't. This was a lad in his 20s posing in just his boxers. I then glanced through the rest of it and realizing she had been accepting every Tom Dick and Harry. She had told them where she lived, where she liked to go and play and even one message stated that she was going to the park around the corner in half an hour. I was stuned disbelieving how she could be so stupid. Anything could of happened and took her off it IMMEDIATELY. I then decided to allow her a blackberry and trhought it was a good idea to allow her on BBM. Then I could get in touch with her when she was out visiting her mates. Last night we allowed a friend who didn't have a blackberry to stay. They were talking to friends from school via BBM. A gang of older kids on scooters arrived outside our house and she ran downstairs panicking and begging us not to open the door. Apparently her 11 year old friend had picked on someone and they had come around ready to knockn our daughters head off. She had not realized what her friend had done while she was on loo. I have now confiscated her phone. My daughter had a right paddy when I stated to her that as her parent I am allowed to vet her phone at any time until she is 18. I trusted her like all parents do with their kids but she is too young to realize the complications that can arise and how to deal with them. PLEASE PARENTS TAKE NOTE AND DON'T BE NAIVE ENOUGH NOT TO CHECK WHAT YOUR CHILDREN ARE DOING. Luckily for me I ve realized in time, some other child might not be so lucky.


Talk about using petrol to put out a fire :confused: Did her previous phone not accept phone calls / texts from you??

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