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OCCUPY - Noam Chomsky Feb 2012

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'the state' even gives him a platform, as in when Chomsky was PAID to speak to a bunch of US Marines.


really the efforts of his acolytes to paint him as if he's being suppressed or intimidated by 'the establishment' is the most laughable thing. In the countries that Chomsky has spent all his life trying to promote, dissenters like him aren't permitted to live in some of the most comfortable conditions the world has to offer, like Chomsky does and given every opportunity to air their views to anyone they want. Their work is suppressed and they get sent to prison.


I get the feeling he wanders the realms of theory trying to find more outré things to say, in order to shake off an annoying and growing band of plastic anarchists.


You can't hold someone responsible for the mentality of their fans!

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I get the feeling he wanders the realms of theory trying to find more outré things to say, in order to shake off an annoying and growing band of plastic anarchists.


You can't hold someone responsible for the mentality of their fans!


If the biog earlier is accurate and he's bezzie mates with Bono knocks any credibility into a cocked hat.

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I think the point is that Bono (and others) like to namecheck him because they think he's such a black sheep. It means more money and exposure for Chomsky.


Say what you like, he understands capitalism.


Of course he does, he's minted !!! And once he has all the money and all the power an influence (including, no doubt, playing comb and paper on u2s latest) he start rebuilding the world in his own image. Most rich socialists do that. Just look at Tony Blair.


Why am I supposed to believe someone like him (rich hypocrit) over, say bill gates (mega rich capitalist who despite some dodgy history does do lots for charity) ??

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Noam is clearly an intelligent chap, but intelligence doesn't make one immune from being wrong or making mistakes.


That's 3 minutes of not saying very much. Less than 30 seconds in he's talking about Occupy's success...


OCCUPY has involved 100s of thousands of people across the world. Bloggers, activists....all networking and sharing ideas.


I guess it depends on your measure of success....but in my opinion, OCCUPY served as a massive simultaneous (so incredible to watch blossom and grow!) wake-up call.....


and a trumpet of solidarity :love:

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How can Chomsky claim Occupy to be a great success when it's still not clear to the vast majority of folk what they (Occupy) wanted, what their demands and aims were, what they achieved if anything, and didn't really garner support from any great swathes of the populus?

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Which countries has he spent all his life trying to promote?


all the places where even in Sheffield you'll find people that will curse them even now, twenty years after having been consigned to the dustbin of history. They had names like East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Chomsky cheered them all.


I think the point is that Bono (and others) like to namecheck him because they think he's such a black sheep. It means more money and exposure for Chomsky.


Say what you like, he understands capitalism.



of course Chomsky understands capitalism. Howard Zinn and Michael Moore as well. Of course they understand capitalism. They're good at it and multi-millionaires as a result, and living comfortably on the profits in the main bastion of their faith - the United States.

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