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How to get rid of a boil on the neck???

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Originally posted by jaynie38

Hi all, know this sounds really gross, but my partner has a big red boil on his neck and wants to pop it (yuk) whats the safest way to do this at home???

Dont !! You dont "pop" boils.They are lanced at the doctors.Are you sure it is a boil? There is a walk in centre at the Hallamshire Hospital for minor things like that.He may have to take antibiotics afterwards.:thumbsup:
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Bathe the area in salty warm water for a few nights i order to bring the head to the surface. Only pop it when its ready - e.g. the skin will be thin and stretched. You'll know when its ready for popping (if it doesnt itself). Only pop when ready though as it may reform if forced prematurley.


Disclaimer - you should be able to pop it in your fingers... make sure you keep the area clean - along with your fingers... as you head may drop off.

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Originally posted by uncleheed

Hold a knitting needle over the gas and when it goes red,(the needle that is),stick it through the boil.


Be warned. It may sting a bit !!


It may only be a 'blind' boil. No head may ever form

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Originally posted by bigflesh

Bathe the area in salty warm water for a few nights i order to bring the head to the surface. Only pop it when its ready - e.g. the skin will be thin and stretched. You'll know when its ready for popping (if it doesnt itself). Only pop when ready though as it may reform if forced prematurley.


Disclaimer - you should be able to pop it in your fingers... make sure you keep the area clean - along with your fingers... as you head may drop off.



god your head could drop off! boils are lethal nowadays arent they :)

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