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How to get rid of a boil on the neck???

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Use a kaolin poultice.........is that the same as magnesium sulphate paste? Put it on as hot as you can bare. Never squeeze........you can force the puss back in by doing this. You should pull the skin away on either side until it pops. Ooooooo........just imagine the satisfaction of doing this.......but beware......these things can fling their yellowy mass for miles so make sure you have your swimming goggles on so it doesn't hit you in the eyeballs. Oh.......you will probably have to use the poutice's for a while until the big red boil has softened up and is ready for popping. You will be able to easily see the yellow head when it is ready. Also......these things can take quite a while to reach maturity......so be prepared to wait. lol.

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I had a boil (3 years ago, just before I moved here) I left it initially thinking it'd sort itself out. In the end it infected the whole area & hurt like hell so I went to my GP & was told to go away for a few days & apply a poultice to it (& make it as hot as I could bear & apply it as often as possible) to draw the puss out & create a head.


4 or 5 days alter I went back to the surgery (my GP at the time was able to perform small ops under local anaesthetic at the surgery - believe me you will NEED anaesthetic) & had it lanced.


Forget pulling the skin away (although rothschild's descripton is pretty accurate) it needed to be cut with a scalpel. Puss flying the length & breadth of the room is about right - it smells to high heaven as well as being messy :)


Even with regular dressing & a course of antibiotics I still had a flare up about 6 weeks later. So personally I'd not recommend trying to sort this out yourself at home :gag:

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