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Facebook: Buttocks are more offensive than Rape.

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What started off as a minor annoyance has turned into something that has really angered me.


A facebook page that I 'liked' a while ago has recently gotten a new admin, and the name has been changed. This page has over 20,000 'likes' and seems to have a lot of activity, my problem is that the new admin is a troll of massive proportions.


I doubt they seriously believe anything they type, and are just posting things that get an argument flowing. The posts are all types of offensive: Racism, Homophobia, Paedophilia 'jokes' and rape 'jokes', Generalisations about classes of people, sexism - all sorts.


Anyway, this admin will post ANONYMOUSLY some offensive status, and a few of their 'friends' (people who seem to rally with them and post on all statuses) will gang up, with the admin, on a select few of people who disagree with whatever they say, or whoever calls them out on the rubbish they are posting, and bully them relentlessly.


People are pathetic and dumb and will do this stuff, I know. I would usually have blocked the page and reported it. But I decided to report the page but keep it on my newsfeed so I would be able to see when facebook took it down/ remove its content, but nothing has happened in over a month, and the offensive, bullying carries on on a daily basis.


I feel that facebook are really letting people down by not dealing with this. Especially with all the focus in the media about cyber bullying, and their supposed 'new and improved' ways of dealing with this stuff. I have reported every offensive status I have seen on my newsfeed (which is about 98% of what is posted) and nothing has been done. Its almost impossible to send any actual written info to facebook detailing what is actually being posted, and when i managed to send something other than clicking a standard 'report abuse' button I received an automated response from facebook telling me that the report was noted but it did not necessarily mean the page would be taken down.


What has to happen for a page to actually be closed? I know people who have had their accounts blocked for posting a picture of their OH's sunburnt bum, does facebook really consider bare buttocks more offensive than threats of rape, and telling people they should commit suicide? :gag:

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Seconded - the once I had reason to be concerned about something going on on FB, I was on the phone to the police too - and they took it VERY seriously (although that may have been due to the age of the people involved, though that should apply in your case too, if any followers you know of are also underage)

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Facebook has some strange policies. They outsource their moderating and the guidelines seem to be pretty strict for some things and not at all for others. He only thing that seems to get them to deal with cyber bullying is bad publicity.

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Just because you find something offensive it doesn't mean other people do.


People are in the group because they find near the knuckle jokes funny.


You don't have to be in the group.


If you want knock-knock jokes there should be a kids corner somewhere on Facebook.


Trying to outlaw fun.


And you said rape jokes, so is it rape jokes or threats of rape because a rape joke isn't a threat.

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FFS it's Facebook, if you no longer like the group that you originally "liked" and no longer "like" it, then "unlike" it, "dislike" it, thumbs down on it or whatever you do, nobody is forcing your continued following of it.


And there is no point bitching about it and trying to close them down if you don't like it, it's the internet and they can say what they like, even if you don't find it funny or you find it offensive.

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Just because you find something offensive it doesn't mean other people do.


People are in the group because they find near the knuckle jokes funny.


You don't have to be in the group.


If you want knock-knock jokes there should be a kids corner somewhere on Facebook.


Trying to outlaw fun.


And you said rape jokes, so is it rape jokes or threats of rape because a rape joke isn't a threat.


my bold. People are in the group because originally the group posted funny pictures and videos. The group was then inactive for a few months and received a new admin over a month ago that changed the name and the tone of the posts. From what I can see it's lost around 6,000 'likes' since then.


I'm not trying to be the fun police. I'm trying to get rid of someone that is out to cause argument, and then belittle, bully, mock and threat those that disagree.


And like i said, there are racist comments, homophobic comments, sexism, classism, a broad range of offensive things. Normally I would unlike something like this and report it the once. But what I don't get, and the reason I have posted on here is that is that facebook seems so dedicated to policing cyberbullying but is doing nothing about this.


It's not just a few 'sick' jokes, if it were I wouldn't be so bothered. I'd report it and ignore it. It's an anonymous person singling out one or two people that voice their disagreement and harassing them. They're not having an adult discussion about the original comment, but mocking & humiliating them, with the help of their 'friends' on the page.


& Its 'jokes' about having sex with children, 'Jokes' about raping women, 'Jokes' about different Races and Religions - the people that dare comment on these posts, are asked if "you're upset because your daddy touched you" & then mocked by the anonymous page owners 'friends' these are usually where the threats of violence and rape come in (so its both).


But obviously I just have no sense of humour. :roll:

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