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Any BrazilianJJ in sheffield?


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Don't know the methods. However he apparantly was a truely professional 'martial' artist. Lots of stories about his deeds/kills as well as the fact he was a personal bodyguard to the emperor for 10 years.


He was still a formidable practitioner in his seventies. This was more remarkable as he was deaf in one ear and blind in one eye. (don't know if they were the same side) The deafness was due to a 'Dojo storming' incident. He won.


However he is reported as saying no one now could train to condition their hands to the extent he did. Modern life demands more flexibility. In conditioning his hands as weapons I guess he limited the flexibility for other tasks. possibly more relevant now with the advent of mobile phones/texting etc.

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Hmm, as a guitarist - no I wouldn't. I can imagine that anyone who would dedicate themselves to the martial arts enough to train in that sort of way must really have been a scary fighter though.


Still, I suppose that professional cagefighters probably go through some similarly harsh training nowadays - though it wouldn't benefit them to have huge fingernails.

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Yikes, dug up some articles about him - pretty impressive. Trained his hands by, basically, flicking / punching rocks. Killed 12 people in fight to the death challenges? Would you challenge someone who's already killed 11 people to a fight to the death? Crazy.

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One story I read.


Apparantly he went to the docks as some big guy had been mugging people. In the ensuing fight he did hit to the eye, which caused it to be removed. Fight finished.

However, as he was medically trained he attended to his opponent and then charged him!

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Hmm, I read that story except it was mongolian bandits and he plucked the eye out with a reflex reaction - but essentially the same story.


Does make you wonder how accurate some of these stories are though... probably get a bit wilder as they're passed down (like another one I read where when being chased by a pistolier on horseback he rolled under the horse, grabbed a sword off the floor, span round and decapitated him all before being shot, which sounds a little unlikely). However, coming out victorious in 12 fights to the death speaks for itself as to his actual fighting prowess.

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Originally posted by Crayfish

Um, fair enough :)


Impressive, but I'm sure that is possible if you train up to it


One of the sites said he was the only one capable. His students had managed 2 or 3 finger. Said he was considered a 'national treasure' and in his later years spent 3 years as head of the shaolin school

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