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Released Prisoners to be forced straight onto Work Programme

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On the other hand it could be making work for idle hands and keeping them occupied so there's less chance of going back to their old ways?


The last paragraph says


The rate of re offending in Britain is far too high, and we have to reduce it. In the past we just sent people out onto the same streets where they offended in the first place with virtually no money and very little support


There's more chance of them getting help for "literacy, substance issues and other behavioural problems" with this programme than without.


But if you'd rather have them going back to crime or claiming benefits rather than turning their lives around, so be it.

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How long will it be before someone complains that ex-prisoner slaves are taking the jobs of law abiding slaves?


Unlikely, we are talking low tens of thousands per year. I'm more concerned for the welfare of the people involved. I don't get how turning people with drug and alcohol problems into corporate slaves is going to help them.

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On the other hand it could be making work for idle hands and keeping them occupied so there's less chance of going back to their old ways?


The last paragraph says




There's more chance of them getting help for "literacy, substance issues and other behavioural problems" with this programme than without.


But if you'd rather have them going back to crime or claiming benefits rather than turning their lives around, so be it.


I think some could be helped by it certainly but this is not the silver bullet for this problem. Wait and see. Watch it all explode.


We must remember of course that prison is supposed to be a rehabilitating experience.

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Released Prisoners - Work Programme


Many of these people are vulnerable with poor social skills, low levels of literacy, substance issues and other behavioural problems. Is turning them into slaves going to help them?


I can see disaster written all over this. These Tories have absolutely no idea. Totally out of touch.


The perfect cv for picking dog-crap up.

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But if you'd rather have them going back to crime or claiming benefits rather than turning their lives around, so be it.


You do realise that those on workfare are still on benefits don't you? Not only that in a time where jobs are getting scarce will "just got out of prison" be a good thing to put on a CV?

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Released Prisoners - Work Programme


Many of these people are vulnerable with poor social skills, low levels of literacy, substance issues and other behavioural problems. Is turning them into slaves going to help them?


I can see disaster written all over this. These Tories have absolutely no idea. Totally out of touch.


Trying to help former cons back into a normal life of work, where is the fault in that?


Those other problems can and should be sorted out whilst they are in prison and should be seen as an enforced education or enforced rehab as much as a punishment.

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I don't get how turning people with drug and alcohol problems into corporate slaves is going to help them.


Corporate slaves, LOL, sounds very Orwellian put that way.



So giving these people with problems (as you say) a chance at "normal" life, by providing them with something to do (which millions also want to do) to help distract from addiction and such. Maybe even a way to buy their own way out of the neighbourhoods which prop up a criminal culture.



A knock on effect would hopefully be that crime rates would go down, which is better for everyone, not only by reducing crime and it's affects, but also insurance costs, Policing costs, prison costs, etc...


Maybe they can also provide labour in areas that us Brits supposedly find undesirable and supposedly want foreigners to do because we're all lazy!!!


In reality it's better rehabilitation than "just" prison is it not?

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