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Office xmas party: Have you done something you regretted next day?


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Years ago when I was an office junior on a YTS, we had to work up until lunchtime on Xmas Eve.


Come 12.00 everyone piles down to the local pub, come 3.00pm (it was before all day opening) every piles back to work for more partying.


Come 6.30pm I had got so drunk I still have bits I can't remember, but I did have a flashback halfway through the holidays of my boss asking me for a xmas kiss and me replying


"F*** off you dirty old man" :blush: :blush: :blush:


I also fell down in the middle of the road and had to be lifted up,

by the time I got home my parents were frantic because they expected me home mid afternoon.


Also I had arranged to meet friends to go to Roxys', but wasn;t in a fit state, trouble was I had the tickets so they couldn't go either.


If anyone reading this was at this place of work with me, remember I probably know what you did as well :suspect:

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i once turned up at our xmas party in full fancy dress as austin powers, came out of a limo and was followed by 6 girls all in 60's dress too- thats something i do NOT regret!!!


Getting drunk and falling over onto the MD on the dance floor later in the night however- i DO regret- lol :D :D

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This happen last year.


Being only 17 at the time I wasnt supposed to be getting drunk. However, when we were at Varsity, where we were all meeting up, my supervisor and her friends kept going to the bar for my drinks...


Once we had arrived at the restaurant I was sozzled. Because I was having trouble walking I ended up being one of the last ones to find a seat... I ended up being sat next to some of the Partners of the firm. Because I wasnt supposed to be drunk, I had to hide it as much as possible. Ten minutes after sitting down I needed to loo. So, I kindly asked the Partners if they would move so that I could get to the toilet. They did, I went, came back, sat down and about 20 minutes later, needed the loo again! To avoid the Partners getting suspicious as to why I was needing the toilet so often, I told the solicitor sat opposite to stand up. Once she stood up, I slid under the table, banging my head in the process and went to the toilet.


When I came back I had to climb back under the table to get to my seat. However, while lifting myself up from under the table onto the seat, I got stuck! I had to push the table up in order the sit down, and obviously, the Partners by the point were not impressed.


All this while wearing a skirt.


We had our Christmas party last night but I didnt get drunk. Not only to avoid embarassing myself again, but because I had a job interview this afternoon so I didnt fancy going there with a hangover!

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i kinda joked about attacking my boss with one of my knives while having the meal.. but he was being an arse. :)


Someone else threw up down some steps then fell down them...while throwing up (it was like a garden sprinkler effect) then he threw up while he was half dead at bottom of the stairs. The bosses wife had to clean it up so they wouldnt be charged.. :) haha

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