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Abbeydale Grange School Gone !!

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Very sad to see the pics. I was the first full year at the school after it moved from Nether Edge.

one year of Head who told stories of ex boys killed in the war. Then Quas. Buzz was deputy. Mr. Thomas - Geography. Mr. Pomphrey - History. Charlesworth or something - French. Ramsbottom - RE. Took us to Wales and Scotland on hiking trips. Very weak teacher I think for geography - can't remember his name. Rowdy Yates. Vince Cooper - Viciouse. The secretary - had one of those Behive 1960's hair doos. Mr. Moon. There was a French Teacher - very round. Very strict.

Looking at an old pic the other day. We had the fattest boy in the school in our class. By todays standards he just looks a little rounded.

It was a school of it's time. Maybe the education not to Grammar Standard - I know I didn't take all on offer as I should.

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  • 5 months later...

Just stumbled on this thread, which evoked a few memories of my time at ABGS from 1963 to 1970. It all seemed to go to pot when it went comprehensive and amalgamated with Grange and AGGS, which coincided with my A-level course. All my language teachers either retired or left (Huff Cook, My Robertson (?), Mr Thomas), and Charlie Simpson was left to carry the can in French, although it wasn't his main subject. I had to walk to AGGS for every German lesson, thus missing the first 10 mins and had to study a different litertaure book than the one originally given to me - a bit of a disaster. Vince Cooper was the only one who (unjustly of course) slippered me, although I once got into trouble for mentioning (not quietly enough not to be overheard!) that a new teacher reminded me of Rolf Harris.

Anyone know what happened to Margaret Scott who was at Grange - my childhood sweetheart!?

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  • 4 months later...

I went to the boys school late 60' early 70's. After not been back for nearly thirty years found an open field.

I remember the chain smoking head teacher Massy, when you had to go and see him it ment a sore arce.

Deputy head was Scorer a strange man, later Jepson became deputy head, I got on with him, nice man.

For me it was especially strange as I come from holland and had only arrived four days earlier and had to go to the first form at school, spoke about two words of English.

It was like a doctor who episode. Essembly the head boy and headmaster dressed in robes came waltzing through the hall to the tune of some classical masterpeace. Having your name read out in assembly "shamed in public" and line up at the heads office for some back slapping. I thought I had landed in the middle ages, i thought they banned corporral punishment at the same time as slavery. All in all had a good time there, shame it has been wiped of the face of the earth.

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