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Are women smokers just more selfish

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The internal combustion engine has a greater benefit to society compared to a personal lifestyle choice, that really benefits no-one.


maybe so,but pollution reaches everyone, the other is a lifestyle choice.Some choose to partake others dont. All in all smoking isnt a single factor in all the illnesses listed earlier other factors count such as our enviroment.

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maybe so,but pollution reaches everyone, the other is a lifestyle choice.Some choose to partake others dont. All in all smoking isnt a single factor in all the illnesses listed earlier other factors count such as our enviroment.


Reduce the risk - Don't smoke

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Point being it is not how bad it smells thats in question,just because you dont like it,isnt a valid argument,pollution probably does more damage.


Of course it is, stuff gets banned all the time because people don't like it.


And even if it wasn't a valid point that it should be banned just because people don't like it (Which it is), it's also bad for peoples health to be breathing in smoke.

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Sedona, I wonder if you haven't answered your own question here; you ask about how women can be so selfish, but then quote your experience of 90% of the homes you've worked in belonging to single mothers, and the other example you mentioned was one where only women were present. Maybe the same number of men smoke around children as well, but clearly in your own circumstances you just haven't seen that many men around - 90% of the homes you described were single mothers. If dad had been at home perhaps he'd have been smoking around the kids too. It makes me think that your experience is more about demographics rather than female selfishness?


i used to work for a firm that catered for single parents only so thats where my internal experiences came from and i also have plenty of experiences of men doin the same but my point was women bare the children carry them in their womb for 9mths and smoke whilst they are developing and then smoke all over them from birth upwards,where is their protective maternal instincts?has it been replaced by selfishness?....for a cig?

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regardless of medical evidence it's just plain unpleasant as a child to be in an enclosed space whilst someone is smoking.


Not really . When I was a child my grandad used to smoke a pipe and I loved the smell of it. I still do in fact, and every time I get a whiff of pipe tobacco it always makes me feel nostalgic!

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