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Babys First Swimming Trip

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I'm going to take my baby swimming for the first time next week and she'll be 18wks old.

I asked the lady at the pool what she should wear, floats, life jacket, arm bands etc, and was told it's up to me...

This is great, only I dont know what to do!

Does anyone have any recomendations of what is best for her? Where can I buy it and any tips...?

I'm really looking forward to it but am clueless about how to prepare!

Thank you!!!!


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It is relaly up to youa dn how confident you feel about letting her free in the water.

At her age I'd suggest nothing as you want her to be in the water not floating above it. Once she is a little older and moving legs etc the ring and arm band combo is great (and cheapest option) - can't fall through as the arm bands make her too big to go through the ring.

The floats with cut out for legs are rubbish as they just float on the water and only their legs from the thigh down are in.

I bought the life jacket for my son and never used it as again he was too high up in the water.

I went to a baby & toddler session and they are great for making you confident in taking your baby into the water - it usually your fear not the babies that make us use loads of swimming aids.

Hope it helps but it is up to you.

good luck and hope you both enjoy it

B xx

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Hi Becks,

thank you for your advice,you've given me a much better idea of things.

I think i'll take her with no floats and things the first time and then see what would be most useful, once i know exactly whats involved!

I didnt know i could take her without anything, so i'm really glad you said that.

I bought her a little costume today and some water nappies, so i'm super excited now!

thank you again,


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Hillsborough Leisure Centre is ideal for young children as the leisure pools design as a Beach allows for kids to just walk in and paddle in the water. There is also a baby pool with bubbles and a small slide for when they get a little bit older.


Hillsborough Leisure Centre also offers baby splash which is a class designed for parent and baby allowing them to become more confident in the water and learn through song and play. This class also develops the child ready for main stream swimming lessons when they are older.


Swim Sheffield also offers parent and baby classes as our other venues.

Find out more at swimsheffield.co.uk

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