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How to beat your wife

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No surprise really as you are a militant atheist. :roll:


What is a militant atheist? I don't believe in any creation myths or invisible friends who happen to control my destiny. I don't believe in heaven or paradise and I get seriously miffed when religious people want their doctrine as 'law'.


Don't you agree that a secular society is the fairest option for everyone?

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Where have I threatened you you silly women?, I don't wish to respond to you further as you just come out with **** like the violence bit when I have not repeat not threatened you so what you keep bandying the violence bit for?

Where have I threatened you, go on point it out and then lets get the police involved or are you just chucking that in to make me look bad?


You are not a nice person.

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Let me explain, you can discuss anything but if what you say is perceived as disrespectfull than it will provoke a certain response.

If you discuss something whilst also being careful not to offend than you will get a good response back.

I don't care if you are gay, atheist, Jewish, Christian etc etc but just because my religions text or religious extremist might say things about people in this group of people it doesn't mean I agree with them yet on here we get things like muslims want to take over and this and that and after a while you do start going on the defensive.

My post where i refered to you as an infidel was my way of giving you a taste of your own medicine, as for the violence reputation you mention it was me told people I have been to jail for violence and I have always said that I'm the kind of person who doesn't let someone take the **** and all of a sudden i get a reputation for violence!


A good response back?! Is that what you call 'discussion'? You don't even attempt to defend your precious beliefs, all you do is cite other religious texts every time anyone criticises Islam and then start with the 'militant atheist', 'infidel' mantra. Where have I ever been disrespectful? And show me where I have ever stated that Muslims are trying to take over the world. You accuse people of tarring all Muslims with the same brush, which is exactly what you're doing with me. It suggests that you do not even bother to read my posts, you instead come out with the typical knee jerk reaction.

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No surprise really as you are a militant atheist. :roll:


And by the exact same standard you are a militant Muslim.


Infact you are far more militant, because unlike Bloomdido, you have in the past made several threats of violence towards those who criticise your ideology.

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And by the exact same standard you are a militant Muslim.


Infact you are far more militant, because unlike Bloomdido, you have in the past made several threats of violence towards those who criticise your ideology.


And from my observations, not even attempted to defend it in any meaningful or edifying way.

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Mafya's level of debate is in fact debacle ! "Bitch ass punk" ?? he cant even get the slur correct, try punk ass bitch. Speaking of which led to remind me of the Wheatus song by the same name.


Reading through the lyrics, it could, in fact have been written just for him ;)


With posters like him around, Who need's wife beaters ? :hihi:

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