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I answered you, politely. You are just being antagonistic in order to score imaginary points.


I'm not interested whether you answered me politely or not. I would much rather you gave an impolite answer that addressed my question accurately, unambiguously and to the point than a polite answer that obsfuscates and attempts to insult my intelligence.:roll:

You used quotations from the koran in an attempt to answer a small part of what I asked you and which contradicted your previous claim that 'only god can judge the infidels'. I have yet to see you apologise for doing what so many religious people do and that's claim that their holy book says something that it doesn't (and that's not counting those people who reinterpret/misrepresent what their book says to fit in with their own innate morality or lack thereof).


Faith is personal. It's up to the individual to believe or not to believe, as they will.


Where have I ever said that that's not the case?:huh: So for some reason you're addressing a point that I haven't even raised and that I agree with you on.


"You to your way, and me to mine." as the scripture says.


And if every individual religious person kept to that mantra the world would be a lot better place. The problem is.....your way can't be your way if it's somebody else's.

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You are becoming irritable like a fly, don't make me have to get the fly spray out.

Toodle do old chap.


I made a post regarding eradicating Islam and muslims on another thread. Two people jumped on it as me wanting to kill people. I wonder why those same people aren't jumping on this.


I'm starting to think people on Sheffield Forum have an agenda.

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Getting nasty again.

I dont think ill bother with you.

Your just not a nice person.


I think you should look up the meaning of passive agressive. People like you are impossible to reason with as you always jump on the most meaningless part of a person's post and trivialise the important parts.

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