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How to beat your wife

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Hmmm, I see what you mean, I guess you just overstepped the mark a little the other day when you were saying you'd like to eradicate Islam and all Muslims.


I was called racist many times before that thread. I haven't been called racist for that remark funnily enough. Again, what's racist about wanting rid of a religion and all its followers?


In my use of the word eradicate by the way, I could have simply meant remove, you know, through education. You don't have to kill a person to change their beliefs. Only a fool would believe that. Or a follower of some backwards religion.


Furthermore, why is it such a horrid thing for me to say what I said yet no-one is allowed to question a religion that encourages its followers to do the same?

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I used to wait until my good lady wife was fast asleep, then I 'd creep up and smack her with a mop-handle or anything that was to hand. The problem was, after the first thwack, she 'd wake up grab hold of me and give me some terrible beatings. [ hospitalised 3 times ]


It was a form of bullying as she was younger and fitter than me. On top of that I was often completely kettled. She kicked me out eventually but I did manage to get her slung out of the W.V.S. on my way to sunnier climes........so to speak.

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I used to wait until my good lady wife was fast asleep, then I 'd creep up and smack her with a mop-handle or anything that was to hand. The problem was, after the first thwack, she 'd wake up grab hold of me and give me some terrible beatings. [ hospitalised 3 times ]


It was a form of bullying as she was younger and fitter than me. On top of that I was often completely kettled. She kicked me out eventually but I did manage to get her slung out of the W.V.S. on my way to sunnier climes........so to speak.


:hihi::hihi::hihi: Post of the day... That made me giggle like a good un :hihi:

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I'm lots of things. Apparently, I am racist against blacks and whites, hate men, am a lesbian, an extremist feminist loon, a militant atheist and fancy anything on two legs. I am one contrary person!!:hihi:


It's quite a list you've built up. :hihi:


Nobodys forcing you to convert to Islam are they? Just because you are an Infadel/atheist etc doesn't give you the right to be insulting about peoples beliefs.

You can dislike something without being disrespectfull but seems you and a couple of your fellow militant atheist's go out of your way to be disrespectfull.


And nobody's forcing you to abandon your beliefs. What people can do and are doing is condemming and speaking out against despicable actions done by some in the name of their religion.



I watched the first episode of Proud and Prejudiced last week. Set in Luton, it is mainly about the leader of a small group of Muslim extremists and the leader of the EDL. Extreme views on both sides. The Muslim group appear to hold beliefs that have come from a previous century and the EDL behave like thugs. Frightening.


I saw that too - I didn't realise it was part of a series? I thought it was just a one off.

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Why then do so many muslims use the term to describe non-muslins?


Because not unlike many, if not all religions, the text is bastardised to suit an agenda.


I'm not ashamed to admit but when I hear the words Infidel and Heretic I always think Monty Python.


Ronthe has hit the nail on the head. As they used to say amongst Jewish scholars, "Four Scholars, Five opinions"... Different people take different standpoints.


It's a word that's bandied around so much, but the people using it don't really understand the context in which it's being used.

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It's obsolete and I have never heard of anyone using it to justify violence against women. Thankfully, we have moved on and domestic violence is quite rightfully, a criminal offence.


Agreed, Suffy... I was just pointing out that we in England had such a law, in the past. And, yes, thankfully, Domestic violence is a criminal offence.

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Hi Suffragette. "Infidel" is, certainly an offensive epithet. Did you know in Islam it is considered wrong to call someone an infidel, as only God knows what is going on in the person's heart, and whether they are "Infidel".


I didn't know that. You learn something new every day. Thanks PT.

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And you know this how? On top of that, what happens to them if god finds that they are 'infidel' and what is the definition of an infidel in the koran?


I know what the Scripture says.


Surah 2:256 “Let there be no compulsion in Religion.”


(bold) However, like Pascal's Wager,(?) none of us will know who of us is actually right until the lights go out, will we? If there is nothing after we die, I have lost nothing by believing.


Definition of an Infidel?


According to the dictionary,


1.Religion .a) person who does not accept a particular faith, especially Christianity.

b) (in Christian use) an unbeliever, especially a Muslim.


What does the Qur'an say about "infidels?" What does "infidel" mean? It is not actually a Qur'anic term. It is a term that Christians have historically applied to non-Christians, particularly Muslims. Christian doctrine simply did not recognize the legitimacy of Islam. Hence, Muslims were "infidels," and usually placed in the same category as "pagans" and "savages."


The Qur'an speaks of "kuffar," or those who disbelieve, or cover up the truth, or deny the truth of God and His messengers. However, it is incorrect to translate the word "kafir" as "infidel". The Qur'an also does not label all non-Muslims as kuffar, or unbelievers.

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And pray, where have I been insulting? I have never insulted Islam or you. I disagree with it which in my book is NOT synonymous with insulting. You're the one who bandies around strong words such as 'extremist' and 'militant'. You are the one who gets personal NOT ME, so take that back. Nor have I ever resorted to threats of violence unlike YOU.


ETA: and like 'infidel' is not perjorative?! Pot, kettle, black anyone?:roll:


My Bold=


If you disrespect people than some will show you disrespect back.

You don't like being called an infidel the same way I don't like the religion I follow being disrespected every other day.

As for the violence bit, I never threaten women and would you like to point out where I have threatened violence please as you are just using that to side track the issue.

I'm not taking back what I said because you admit to be a non believer and you belittle my religion so the word infidel fits like a velvet glove.

Hatred breeds hatred so are you surprised I'm now replying the way I do?

If you make a post without being disrespectful than it will receive a similar reply, come out with insulting things and then you should expect it back.

Treat people how you want to be treated is the way I see things. :roll::roll:

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My Bold=


If you disrespect people than some will show you disrespect back.

You don't like being called an infidel the same way I don't like the religion I follow being disrespected every other day.

As for the violence bit, I never threaten women and would you like to point out where I have threatened violence please as you are just using that to side track the issue.

I'm not taking back what I said because you admit to be a non believer and you belittle my religion so the word infidel fits like a velvet glove.

Hatred breeds hatred so are you surprised I'm now replying the way I do?

If you make a post without being disrespectful than it will receive a similar reply, come out with insulting things and then you should expect it back.

Treat people how you want to be treated is the way I see things. :roll::roll:

You seem angry:(

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