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I know what the Scripture says.


Surah 2:256 “Let there be no compulsion in Religion.”


(bold) However, like Pascal's Wager,(?) none of us will know who of us is actually right until the lights go out, will we? If there is nothing after we die, I have lost nothing by believing.


Definition of an Infidel?


According to the dictionary,


1.Religion .a) person who does not accept a particular faith, especially Christianity.

b) (in Christian use) an unbeliever, especially a Muslim.


What does the Qur'an say about "infidels?" What does "infidel" mean? It is not actually a Qur'anic term. It is a term that Christians have historically applied to non-Christians, particularly Muslims. Christian doctrine simply did not recognize the legitimacy of Islam. Hence, Muslims were "infidels," and usually placed in the same category as "pagans" and "savages."


The Qur'an speaks of "kuffar," or those who disbelieve, or cover up the truth, or deny the truth of God and His messengers. However, it is incorrect to translate the word "kafir" as "infidel". The Qur'an also does not label all non-Muslims as kuffar, or unbelievers.


Why are you wasting your time explaining to the bigot's/ atheist's?

I used the term Infidel as It was pointed out to me that the term Kaffir is a derogotory term.

People like suffy think they have a right to be insulting but start crying when they get a taste of their own medicine.

Hatred breeds hatred.

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Why are you wasting your time explaining to the bigot's/ atheist's?

I used the term Infidel as It was pointed out to me that the term Kaffir is a derogotory term.

People like suffy think they have a right to be insulting but start crying when they get a taste of their own medicine.

Hatred breeds hatred.


Show me where I have been insulting.


At least PT knows her stuff and is not insulting nor does she resort to threats of violence.

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My Bold=


If you disrespect people than some will show you disrespect back.

You don't like being called an infidel the same way I don't like the religion I follow being disrespected every other day.

As for the violence bit, I never threaten women and would you like to point out where I have threatened violence please as you are just using that to side track the issue.

I'm not taking back what I said because you admit to be a non believer and you belittle my religion so the word infidel fits like a velvet glove.

Hatred breeds hatred so are you surprised I'm now replying the way I do?

If you make a post without being disrespectful than it will receive a similar reply, come out with insulting things and then you should expect it back.

Treat people how you want to be treated is the way I see things. :roll::roll:


A classic case of projection, if ever I saw one. You once threatened six45ive with a punch in the face, I recall. And have made similar threats from what I hear.

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Show me where I have been insulting.


At least PT knows her stuff and is not insulting nor does she resort to threats of violence.


Where have I threatened you you silly women?, I don't wish to respond to you further as you just come out with **** like the violence bit when I have not repeat not threatened you so what you keep bandying the violence bit for?

Where have I threatened you, go on point it out and then lets get the police involved or are you just chucking that in to make me look bad?


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A classic case of projection, if ever I saw one. You once threatened six45ive with a punch in the face, I recall. And have made similar threats from what I hear.


I said to six45ive that if he insulted me to my face I would exercise my right to punch him in the face as he said he had the right to insult me or my religion can't remember which.

Ask him the context that post was made in, and as for what you have heard I would like details as I am not letting this drop now.

Put up the evidence or shut up and go away.

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Where have I threatened you you silly women?, I don't wish to respond to you further as you just come out with **** like the violence bit when I have not repeat not threatened you so what you keep bandying the violence bit for?

Where have I threatened you, go on point it out and then lets get the police involved or are you just chucking thaty in to make me look bad?



I said to six45ive that if he insulted me to my face I would exercise my right to punch him in the face as he said he had the right to insult me or my religion can't remember which.

Ask him the context that post was made in, and as for what you have heard I would like details as I am not letting this drop now.

Put up the evidence or shut up and go away.


I never said that you had threatened me personally, did I? But your reputation is well known. Now I suggest you calm down a bit and show me where I have been insulting. And DO NOT TELL ME TO SHUT UP, comprende?

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Why are you wasting your time explaining to the bigot's/ atheist's?

I used the term Infidel as It was pointed out to me that the term Kaffir is a derogotory term.

People like suffy think they have a right to be insulting but start crying when they get a taste of their own medicine.

Hatred breeds hatred.


Mafya. There is a proverb that says "A gentle answer turneth away wrath"


I understand the Qur'an says we should answer politely, with proof:-


Al-Haitham bin Adi, a known scholar, and historian, and one of the entourage of the four Caliphs Abi Jafer Al-Mansour, Al-Mahdi, Al-Hadi, and Al-Rasheed, said: ‘The men of wisdom said it is an ill manner to overwhelm someone while speaking and to interrupt them before they end their speech.’


Respectfully, I don't believe Suffy was insulting, then crying" She's never demanded of me that I abandon my faith...

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I said to six45ive that if he insulted me to my face I would exercise my right to punch him in the face as he said he had the right to insult me or my religion can't remember which.

Ask him the context that post was made in, and as for what you have heard I would like details as I am not letting this drop now.

Put up the evidence or shut up and go away.


So, you are being aggressive Mafya, our Lord says turn the other cheek, does your Lord say Strike them that smite you ? I think not... You would punch someone for questioning your belief ? So that is why radical islam is so full of idiotic murderers is it ?

Pathetic to say the least.

Pretty much like most of your arguments.

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So, you are being aggressive Mafya, our Lord says turn the other cheek, does your Lord say Strike them that smite you ? I think not... You would punch someone for questioning your belief ? So that is why radical islam is so full of idiotic murderers is it ?

Pathetic to say the least.

Pretty much like most of your arguments.


Before you go jumping in at least get your facts right, a poster said that it was his right to insult a person/religion to which I replied that if someone insulted me to my face I would exercise my right to punch them in the face.

Now that you have the facts it does make your post a pathetic one.


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