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Professional boxers

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Any boxers on here ? Can you answer a question ! One of my neighbours says his son who is 18 is going professional next month ! BUT he's hardly won any fights ? How can this be ! surely you have to win quite a few fights to go professional, and is their a minimum age ?

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i would think if you have a licence to box and are stupid enough to think you were any good then sure go pro, lots of big names start with no hopers to get a tally of KOs on their record and the No hoper gets paid every time for a fight.

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you dont have to win a certain amount of fights or anything to turn pro. Theres very good pros that have no amateur experience at all and just go straight into professional boxing, so he could of had 20 amateur fights and only won 4 and still turn pro as theyr two completely different styles of boxing, some dont do too well as amateur but are more suited to the pros. I think in UK you have to be at least 18 to box professionally but in places like mexico theres pros as young as 15

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