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SuperScrimpers: Waste Not Want Not

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Has anyone been watching this on Channel 4, seems like saving money is becoming a fad again and about time too, talk about a sickly and throw away society we have become nowadays, too many kids being born with too many spoons in their mouths and amounting too much material possessions for so little work in return. Parents also being too busy and often too lazy to install discipline and waist breeding waist is far easier than people being thrift and economising their lifestyle.


Has anyone got any money saving tips they may want to add or ways of extending their old possessions life and just making do with what they have and living within their means, would be an interesting thread this and could save people a small fortune.

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I watch that programme but I'm also of a generation that had no choice but to scrimp............and the habit never leaves you either.


Some might call me "tight" but I call me thrifty. :hihi:


I can remember the days when plastic bags were worn on the feet to stop them getting wet, because of holes in shoes.


Anyhow, it's about time people pulled their belts in a bit and took notice of just how much waste there is in their lives. Simple measures really can make a huge difference.


My tip...............errrrrrrrrrr.......my mind's a blank right now. :|

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Plastic take away containers are great for, kids sandwiches for school, for freezing left overs, as grated cheese containers for the fridge, keeping carved or sliced meats in the fridge, use as seed trays for germinating plants, for microwaving food in etc etc :D

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Yes, lets all think of ways to make our lives even more desolate and pick through the scraps thrown to us, I wonder how many 'top tips' the MPs have to live by.


Hmm let me get in the mood,


I only drive the Bentley downhill, so it saves on fuel, I get the 'boy' to carry us on the uphill journeys.

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I don't mind being thrifty about some things. I cut up old towels for cleaning cloths and we use old shower curtains as dustsheets when we're decorating.


We have home made soup for lunch most days. Cheap and easy to make and means we have lots of veg:thumbsup:


But I won't travel miles to save a few pence on my shopping. :shakes: Life's far too short.

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