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Corporation Swimming Baths

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We used to go from Bradfield Sec Mod round about 1958.I first learned to swim there.Got my green and yellow flash,to sow onto my trunks.then had a drink of hot oxo on the way out to the coach.The smell of chlorine was with you all day!

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The pub was always there. If you look at the small piece of land at the side of the pub that was were the swimming baths were, it doesn't seem big enough to have been a swimming pool. I presume the slipper baths were above the pool.

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I learned to swim there in 1950,it was only small but very warm I think it was used for disabled people.when the funny looking man in a white half coat and glasses blew his whistle it was all out but when he went off for his cuppa we would skinny dip and dive off the doors. The slipper baths were at the shallow end but I don't know what the soap was called.We used to gain entry with a bath ticket.when we came out we would spend our bus fare in a shop on Bridge St on a dripping cake and an Oxo then walk home to Shirecliffe even in winter and all weathers.One day we went and I remember a big fire at a wood yard on Nursery St.The Star walk used to finish there and everone jumped in the baths it must have been packed.

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It's great to read all these memories! I looked at the old plans and new plans again and it shows the Brown Cow was next to the current Riverside. When you sit the the beer garden of the Riverside you can still see the tiles of the pool that has been filled in.


Can anybody remember what the Baths looked like inside in terms of colour of tiles?

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it's where we all learnt to swim. the old rope around our waist and then eventually push in to go it alone. The changing rooms were around the pool (wooden) and the Turkish baths which I ventured into at the ripe old age of 15 were along side. Happy days

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I think Annbee might be thinking of Glossop road baths not Corporation St.

We lived just down the road at the Manchester hotel (now called the Harlequin) in the 50s and I recall going with my Dad to the baths very early in the mornings before it was officially open as the manager was a pal of dads. He had a gorgeous daughter and she and I often swam there on Sundays. The Brown Cow which was also a Wards house is, I am certain, the location of the Riverside. There used to be a doss-house on the opposite corner of Corporation st and across the road used to be a police box. I still find it hard to believe how that area has altered so, and I had some great times there.

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