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Sexist remarks and wolf-whistles could become criminal offences

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Men and women are naturally attracted to each other and flirting and banter is natural.



Much more importantly, how will we differenciate between natural flirting and 'sexist' remarks (on both sides of the coin)?


I'm not belittling the thread, I agree with it, but I think it's looked upon in too much of a black and white way.


exactly, flirting is natural and subtlety lets each other know they may or may not be interested, it shows fun parts of their personality and it's great way of showing your keen without putting women on the spot making her feel awkward, besides what would Suffragette1 know about sexism, she's just a woman.

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That's the title of the linked article below which says that David Cameron will willingly sign the Council of Europe's Convention on Violence against Women.


The convention will impose sanctions for "unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person, in particular when creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment".




My own thoughts about this are that it must be pretty unpleasant for a woman to be within earshot of leering sexist remarks from males; and I really hated that Diet Coke advert where a gaggle of women leer over a window cleaner taking his shirt off.


Anyway, I'd be interested to read what others think.



Sign seen on a woman's desk.


Sexual harrassment is forbidden. However it will be graded

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Quote: That's the title of the linked article below which says that David Cameron will willingly sign the Council of Europe's Convention on Violence against Women. Unquote.


Another non-job dreamt up by the unelected mob in Brussels.


PS Anyone see the irony in the sexist title of this non-job?


Get Britain Out of the EU.

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Men and women are naturally attracted to each other and flirting and banter is natural.


I agree that unwanted attention is not treated seriously, but what about when it's the other way around? Not only do men have to put up with it from women but if they complain they have men and women on their backs about it. If I don't react well to a women whistling at me not only do you get accused of not having a sense of humour by the women, you get labelled as 'gay' by the men, will the criminal offences go both ways, will women be punished for the same behaviour, or will men just be expected to accept it?


Much more importantly, how will we differenciate between natural flirting and 'sexist' remarks (on both sides of the coin)?


I'm not belittling the thread, I agree with it, but I think it's looked upon in too much of a black and white way.

Flirting is mutual, quite simply, where there is a reciprocal sexual attraction.


Zero tolerance should be all inclusive, indeed. However, the fact remains that women are subjected to more harassment and unwanted attention than men. Violence against women is a serious problem. I have had some unsavoury experiences of being harassed, jeered at, stalked, followed etc, as have most women. Can most men say the same?

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