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Sexist remarks and wolf-whistles could become criminal offences

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I agree entirely, yet plenty of people think that a woman who has any flesh on display is 'asking for it', in this day and age I find that incredulous. Hence the whole slutwalk campaign which I fully support.


Not only is it highly insulting to women, it also does a huge disservice to men, suggesting that they haven't the control nor maturity to compose themselves should they see a bit of cleavage or a short skirt.

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Not only is it highly insulting to women, it also does a huge disservice to men, suggesting that they haven't the control nor maturity to compose themselves should they see a bit of cleavage or a short skirt.


Agreed, which is why I find the whole concept behind veiling so utterly abhorrent.

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Quite. And still we have certain posters on here advocating that women should not put themselves at risk by wearing anything remotely revealing.:roll: it reminds me of that Jackie Fleming cartoon


So women should be able to be as revealing in public as they see fit?

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So women should be able to be as revealing in public as they see fit?


That's not what suffragette was saying, She was making the point that the clothes a woman wears should not be used as justification for rape/sexual assault.


If a woman was to go out in a short, tight dress and was then sexually assaulted she will encounter at least one person saying she 'was asking for it' because of the way she was dressed. Its that way of thinking that needs to be changed. A woman who wants to go out wearing nothing but nipple tassles and a murkin should not be made to feel like she brought on an attack because of her clothes or lack of. Should she expect to get arrested for indecent exposure? Probably. Should she expect to get raped? No.

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Don't get me wrong I think erotica and stuff with an art form (like burlesque) is pretty cool...


If we trully want equality between the sexes stupid adverts like that coke one need to be banned. Sexualising stuff is doing a disservice to men and women. Also ban strip bars while were at it and these dumb loaded / FHM type magazines.

I mean were in 2012, I hate how us men are spoon fed this stuff from the media who see men as this pathetic species. It's insulting and degrading to women too.

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]Flirting is mutual[/b], quite simply, where there is a reciprocal sexual attraction.


Zero tolerance should be all inclusive, indeed. However, the fact remains that women are subjected to more harassment and unwanted attention than men. Violence against women is a serious problem. I have had some unsavoury experiences of being harassed, jeered at, stalked, followed etc, as have most women. Can most men say the same?


Impossible really, someone has to start a flirt.

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