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Sexist remarks and wolf-whistles could become criminal offences

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A woman wearing next to nothing on an evening out. I would never say she was 'asking for it' but I am inclined to say that perhaps she isn't really helping herself.


Why? Because from my experience of drinking and going out (avoiding town at night at all costs these days) you will always get meathead, 'lads' who not only can't handle their ale, feel that they can help themselves to anything and anyone they like. Of course it shouldn't be like this but it is. Some of these 'lads' haven't matured nor moved on from Club International (and perhaps if they stuck to 'pulling one' over a mag we would all be better for it).


My own 12 year old daughter is getting into clothes and make up. Even now - way before she enters the West Street cattle market (should she so desire) - I have recommended she covet up a bit. Seems sound advice but that may be just me.


So, no female 'asks for it' (okay, maybe that's too sweeping a statement) but I do think that aware of what type of cretins they're going to be sharing their night with, they can help themselves just as a lone female walking home at 4:30 can, in my opinion help herself by walking home with friends or by ensuring she is not out at this hour.


As always, it actually comes down to respect, each of us respecting each other's rights to dress how we want and to do, within reason, what we want.


But respect is lacking big time, morals are a thing of the past and the vacuum created by the absence of respect and morals had been filled with an I want it, I'm having it attitude and away with the consequences.

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A woman wearing next to nothing on an evening out. I would never say she was 'asking for it' but I am inclined to say that perhaps she isn't really helping herself.


Why? Because from my experience of drinking and going out (avoiding town at night at all costs these days) you will always get meathead, 'lads' who not only can't handle their ale, feel that they can help themselves to anything and anyone they like. Of course it shouldn't be like this but it is. Some of these 'lads' haven't matured nor moved on from Club International (and perhaps if they stuck to 'pulling one' over a mag we would all be better for it).


My own 12 year old daughter is getting into clothes and make up. Even now - way before she enters the West Street cattle market (should she so desire) - I have recommended she covet up a bit. Seems sound advice but that may be just me.


So, no female 'asks for it' (okay, maybe that's too sweeping a statement) but I do think that aware of what type of cretins they're going to be sharing their night with, they can help themselves just as a lone female walking home at 4:30 can, in my opinion help herself by walking home with friends or by ensuring she is not out at this hour.


As always, it actually comes down to respect, each of us respecting each other's rights to dress how we want and to do, within reason, what we want.


But respect is lacking big time, morals are a thing of the past and the vacuum created by the absence of respect and morals had been filled with an I want it, I'm having it attitude and away with the consequences.



I see what you are saying on a practical level, but also think women should'nt need to cover up in a liberal society. Men should be able to control themselves.


For instance I went to Denmark the other year and women dress really sexy on a night out but they don't seem to have the same problems with sexual crimes we have.

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TJC1 - I think that can be put down to a difference in cultures and attitude to drinking and socialising.


We all go abroad and see how they behave on an evening out, often family-orientated with free flowing wine. Here, it's lads and lasses out to get as smashed as possible, as quickly as possible.


Ever woman should feel free to dress how they wish. But as I said, those wishing to dress down must surely know that to some spotty faced, Stella fuelled 19 year old, out to impress his mates, you're a red rag to a bull.


Suffice to say, I have got all this to come when my own daughters start going out. In the current climate, I shudder at the thought.


Compare the Brits to the Spanish, the German and French, when it comes to having a good night out, it's not only morals and respect that's lacking.


We Brits simply have no class.

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