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Spain kicking up about Gibraltar again. Don't these guys learn.

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It seems Spain is once again jumping on the Falkland's bandwagon to once again kick up about the sovereignity of Gibraltar. I was under the impression that Spain was required to drop any claims as a condition of EU membership. THey seem to have forgotten about that.




As if the UK did not have enough trouble with Argentina demanding that Britain hand over the Falkland Islands, Spain has started agitating once again on the subject of Gibraltar. The foreign minister of the new Spanish government elected in November, Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo, gave us a flavour of this when he greeted a British Conservative MEP with the slogan "Gibraltar, Español!"


The new centre-right Popular Party government has called for bilateral negotiations between the Spanish and British governments over the British overseas territory - without including the elected government of Gibraltar. Garcia Margallo has said that the trilateral Dialogue Forum (between the British, Spanish and Gibraltar governments, and which did not discuss sovereignty) “is dead”. Instead, he wants a return to the bilateral EU-inspired ‘Brussels process’.


Like Argentina, Spain also seems to want to take this dispute, once again, to the UN. Speaking after the recent Somalia conference in London, Garcia Margallo said: "There’s no need for a prophet or a Pulitzer Prize to know that in the coming UN session, Malvinas and Gibraltar will be discussed and that the UN will again reiterate that we must sit and negotiate”.

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It seems Spain is once again jumping on the Falkland's bandwagon to once again kick up about the sovereignity of Gibraltar.


Can't we just lend them another fifty billion euros for them to 'forget' about the matter for a few more years?


It worked with the French when we* returned Thatcher's hard-won EU rebate.


*Tony, not us.

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There all the same these foreigners, we go to these far away places that no one wants and make something of them and when they see how good we are doing they want a bit of it, Hong Kong Gibraltar Cypress Falklands and many more deserts our people and drains have turned into an oasis,they would all like to have a bit of our money and business sense,

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Ok here's the deal. Let the spannerheads have Gibralter but we'll flatten it completely before we leave and repatriate the British Citizens. Then we'll stop holidaying in Spain and ban imports of Spanish goods.

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Ok here's the deal. Let the spannerheads have Gibralter but we'll flatten it completely before we leave and repatriate the British Citizens. Then we'll stop holidaying in Spain and ban imports of Spanish goods.


Do you want thousands of ex-pat OAPs crowding our already-stretched NHS?


Just leave 'em there and give the Spanish government another huge bailout to forget about the matter. It'll be a lot cheaper in the long run.

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There all the same these foreigners, we go to these far away places that no one wants and make something of them and when they see how good we are doing they want a bit of it, Hong Kong Gibraltar Cypress Falklands and many more deserts our people and drains have turned into an oasis,they would all like to have a bit of our money and business sense,


I think you'll find we (along with the Dutch) nicked Gibraltar off the Spanish while they were busy having an argument with France. And they wanted it back immediately and ever since, including sieging the settlement for four years at one point.


We wanted it because it's a good place to keep an eye on what everyone else is doing in the Mediterranean, not because it's a "far away place that no one wants" which we've made highly prosporus, because it was doing perfectly alright before we stuck our Navy in there.

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Ok here's the deal. Let the spannerheads have Gibralter but we'll flatten it completely before we leave and repatriate the British Citizens. Then we'll stop holidaying in Spain and ban imports of Spanish goods.[/QUOTE]


No we will not.

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