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Got a neigbour with 50+ piles of dog mess in his garden.

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If it is a council house, then contact Sheffield Homes. Local housing office details are here: https://www.sheffieldhomes.org.uk/myCommunity/FindAService.aspx


If it isn't a council house, contact Sheffield Council Environmental health: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/environment/environmental-health/animals/animal-nuisance.html

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hi ive got a neigbour that runs a dog sitting business from home , he lets the dogs poo in the garden and never cleans it up , its all troden in and now the weather is getting warm all we can smell down our back garden is dog muck , we have had problems with rats aswell coming from next door , the council man said the rats would live on the dog muck,also he cant go round to my neigbours house unless he reports it himself so were stumped really , how can he run a buissnes from his house in this state , i for one wouldnt be using his business ever!!!!!! what can be done?


That's not true, although its a good excuse for the council to avoid confronting the owner and sorting the problem. The council have powers of entry to deal with things like this. Especially in relation to rats, the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 gives the authority a responsibility for the control of rodents their areas. They also have powers to make sure people take all necessary steps to deal with pests in their property.

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Does the council know he runs a business from home? Is he registered? Does he have to comply with any environmental laws?


yes i think hes registered he advertises everywhere where i live , its a private home not council

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Environmental Health will be interested I reported a neighbour for having loads of flammable rubbish on his front garden directly opposite my front window, they had a visit and the rubbish was shifted within days.

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yes i think hes registered he advertises everywhere where i live , its a private home not council


But there are rules on running businesses from home, whether it's a council house or his own.


Obviously someone working from a home-office for, say, IT or book keeping would have minimal effect on neighbours. But this dog sitting service is very different from that.


This is from one council website:


If you are considering running your business from home, you should approach the idea with some care, because there are various legal and financial rules you must comply with.


You need to consider issues such as planning permission, business rates and mortgage, insurance and security issues. Some local bylaws also preclude businesses from operating within residential areas.

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