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Sick of 3 main parties?

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Alchresearch - from my experience it is usually the liberal lefties who stifle debate on anything from race to immigration by way of shouting racist! or xenophobe! as soon as somebody dares address these points.


Why shouldn't we discuss these important areas of politics? Other countries do (Australia does it very well). We are full up, the NHS, schools and infrastructure cannot cope with more people entering the country. If that's a racist comment then I can live with it; what about those of us who are rightfully here and have paid into the system to use the likes of the NHS and get our kids into our schools?


As regular forummers will know, I can read, write and speak Hindi, love the language, love the people. Indeed, the world's a fascinating place with wonderful people.


But we don't need them all living here!


So let's have a breather from the tiring racist accusations and get to the real meat of this country's serious problems regarding immigration and the ruining of our heritage.

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UKIP have a message some people want to hear but most of it is undeliverable. Once their lawyers get to work they'll find they can't do half those things.


and the bits which are deliverable are insane and will reduce the much of the country to level of poverty which even the tories would stoop too.


anyway, nigel farage use to be a banker so we know what he thinks of ordinary people

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So all their campaigns are against that nasty Tory party? This sounds more like an offshoot of the labour party than a truly independent one. I wonder where their donations really come from?



but then anyone with any sense of decency should be campaigning against the policies listed, and one or two more

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Maybe, maybe not.


Once we return to having a British Government which makes its own decisions and policies, instead of being told what to do by the unelected con-merchants in Brussels, I reckon a great number of their policies (or better, sound bites) will be achievable.


Cameron promised a referendum on the EU and has since backtracked. Friends in high places, I assume?




So UKIP's policies can only be effected once we leave the EU? That can only happen with a UKIP government. As they have no MPs now we'll have to wait until they get over 300 elected MPs. I won't hold my breath then.

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and the bits which are deliverable are insane and will reduce the much of the country to level of poverty which even the tories would stoop too.


anyway, nigel farage use to be a banker so we know what he thinks of ordinary people



I think Nigel Farrage is UKIP's biggest problem. The man is clearly as mad as a box of frogs...............................and he hates Frogs!!

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Alchresearch - from my experience it is usually the liberal lefties who stifle debate on anything from race to immigration by way of shouting racist! or xenophobe! as soon as somebody dares address these points




Free speech to the left is the freedom to agree with them. But if you disagree you're branded a Tory...................................as I often am.


And they don't like it if you put their dismal record under the spotlight either. That makes you a Tory as well.

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I think Nigel Farrage is UKIP's biggest problem. The man is clearly as mad as a box of frogs...............................and he hates Frogs!!

Not mad, just idiosyncratic. And, no- he does not hate the French nor any Europeans: only the EU's hold over the UK.

As the currently longest-serving leader of a UK political party, he has the courage to point out the lack of clothing of the EU emperors.

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So UKIP's policies can only be effected once we leave the EU? That can only happen with a UKIP government. As they have no MPs now we'll have to wait until they get over 300 elected MPs. I won't hold my breath then.

Or until some existing MPs have the courage to switch, as have several members of the House of Lords and many councillors.

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What you have to realize is NOTHING is going to change until we replace the first past the post with real P R,and of course the big 2 dont want to change anything as it suits them very well.

The system we have is undemocratic and I for one have lost all faith in any of the main parties,they are all corrupt and in it for themselves.

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