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Sick of 3 main parties?

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As the currently longest-serving leader of a UK political party, he has the courage to point out the lack of clothing of the EU emperors.


didn't he resign once and have to come back because his successor was invisible?


ukip exists only to boost his ego

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What you have to realize is NOTHING is going to change until we replace the first past the post with real P R,and of course the big 2 dont want to change anything as it suits them very well.

The system we have is undemocratic and I for one have lost all faith in any of the main parties,they are all corrupt and in it for themselves.



When there was an opportunity to change the system the proles voted against it. So they've got what they voted for. Can't complain then can they?

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When there was an opportunity to change the system the proles voted against it. So they've got what they voted for. Can't complain then can they?


Yep, electoral refrom was voted out quite compehensively in a referendum last year.


Getting back on topic, 38 degrees came under a lot of pressure to join the "Yes 2 AV" camp but looking back they might be quite glad that any suppport they gave to that cause was at best lukewarm.

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When there was an opportunity to change the system the proles voted against it. So they've got what they voted for. Can't complain then can they?



Yes but that was due to the fact the main 2 both backed the present system,and of course the media by and large was in favour of keeping the current corrupt system.

And of course the Lib Dem's did not go for proper P R but like clegg said a bit of a compromise system,so we are stuck with the present one which disenfranchises most of the voters.

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I think the main problem is with the shortlisting of candidates who are chosen by party officials who are only going to appoint people in their own image. So we, the voters, are going to be stuck with more of the same whether we want it or not.


At the moment the only alternative is Independent candidates, but they have very little chance of winning with no party behind them to mastermind publicity and media opportunities etc.

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What about using this amazing tool called the Internet - how about us "plebs" (of whatever political persuation) using the Internet to vote / sign up for ISSUES , rather than politicians / parties ?


Eg you could have a look at HM Government's e-petitions site , sign those you support , and even start your own !


You can also have your say on the 38 Degrees website ( sorry earlier , was thinking of the 39 Steps ...).


One of the more interesting issues is the proposal to start charging for Freedom of Information Act enquiries . I suspect that ultimately we will see an end to the FOI , because us plebs are asking far too many pertinent questions - what are your opinions on this ??

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What about using this amazing tool called the Internet - how about us "plebs" (of whatever political persuation) using the Internet to vote / sign up for ISSUES , rather than politicians / parties ?


Eg you could have a look at HM Government's e-petitions site , sign those you support , and even start your own !


You can also have your say on the 38 Degrees website ( sorry earlier , was thinking of the 39 Steps ...).


One of the more interesting issues is the proposal to start charging for Freedom of Information Act enquiries . I suspect that ultimately we will see an end to the FOI , because us plebs are asking far too many pertinent questions - what are your opinions on this ??


Good ideas, but how would you get them past Parliament to make it legal? You can have as many opinions as you like, but that doesn't mean the politicians will listen let alone act on them...


Re; Freedom of Information Act, I think it will remain in name only. They will put so many barriers in the way that it will be virtually impossible to find anything out that's worth knowing. Just look at the excuses they dreamed up to prevent us knowing about their expenses. That is actually a bigger scandal than the expenses themselves.

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