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Homelessness up 14% this year

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Yet again homelessness rises.


And the interest rates remain at record lows.


When they rise the homelessness rate will rise further, many will be forced onto the streets. There are no council houses to house these people and even the shelters are getting full, b&b's are running out of space, we haven't built any to meet demand. We have sold them off.


Housing standards continue to fall. I know people moving into caravans because the rent is too goddamn high, I am contemplating moving onto an allotment.


The younger generation has been sold down the river and they cannot afford to bring up a family, the social problems that result are already coming back to bite society. The cost of housing is stopping people from having children. Financial sterilisation through housing costs!


I said that homelessness would rise. I said why.


We need to build build build. We need plenty of affordable accommodation, without it the UK will crash and burn. This is people's lives, the human cost is immense. Your children (or maybe your non existent children, that you couldn't afford to bring into the world), they are the one's paying the price, for the greed of a few (few too many), whom view housing as in investment instead of a basic human need.

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Whilst their situation is bad, bear in mind they with the exception of a very few (comparatively - I did see figures recently on rough sleepers and was shocked on how low it was) they have a roof over their head even if it is a grubby b&b. It isnt perfect but compare it to the ever growing tent cities in the states (not the trendy occupy ones the ones where all the family have is a tent)it could be alot worse.

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Yawn. Another week same old crap chem1st...


Not even worth me making a substantive reply.


just keep smoking your joints and go back to button moon.


Your fellow countrymen and women are being made homeless and you think it is a joke?


Sort your head out pal.

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No my fellow countrymen are not being made homeless.


The ones in genuine need get shelter, interim accommodation and other help and support through our taxes. For those not earning enough you get more of our taxpayers monies to subsidise housing beneifts. There is so many benefits and housing support in this country that other countries could only dream of. What more do you want?


Do you want to take a trip to indonesia, parts of africa, eastern europe and take a look what real homelessness is.


Those who work have to pay. You pay rent or mortgage. You pay this through your earnings to what you can afford at the time. If you want something bigger and better you work for it. That's life.


Nobody in this country is forced to live on the streets. You really need to stop believing everything you read. Those idiots who choose to become homeless by spending their money elsewhere, not prioritising their expenditure, living beyond their means and getting into stupid debts, not taking precautions and insurance when taking out credit, not prepared to lower their standards can please themselves.


I aint gonna lose any sleep over it.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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No my fellow countrymen are not being made homeless.


The ones in genuine need get shelter, interim accommodation and other help and support through our taxes. For those not earning enough you get more of our taxpayers monies to subsidise housing beneifts. There is so many benefits and housing support in this country that other countries could only dream of. What more do you want?


Do you want to take a trip to indonesia, parts of africa, eastern europe and take a look what real homelessness is.


Those who work have to pay. You pay rent or mortgage. You pay this through your earnings to what you can afford at the time. If you want something bigger and better you work for it. That's life.


Nobody in this country is forced to live on the streets. You really need to stop believing everything you read. Those idiots who choose to become homeless by spending their money elsewhere, not prioritising their expenditure, living beyond their means and getting into stupid debts, not taking precautions and insurance when taking out credit, not prepared to lower their standards can please themselves.


I aint gonna lose any sleep over it.


I'm afraid they are. In ever increasing numbers.


Rents are rising, wages are static or decreasing - do the maths.


Many young people have been priced out of buying a house, putting increased pressure on the rental sector. Shortages and rising rents are bound to lead to more people being homeless.


There's even a name for it - sofa surfing. ie young people with no permanent address, sleeping on the sofa or floor of friends houses until they have to move on. They can't do this indefinately (tho' you probably think they should,) and technically they're homeless, although at this stage they won't appear in any statistics. Then there are the ones moving from hostel to hostel with increasing nights out on the street when the hostels are full, they do appear in the statistics and statistics say they are rapidly increasing in number.


The population is increasing. No new housing is being built. Very few new jobs are being created. The cost of living is rising. Our taxes don't go as far as they used to. What do you think is going to happen? Surely even a cold fish like you can work it out.

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Whilst their situation is bad, bear in mind they with the exception of a very few (comparatively - I did see figures recently on rough sleepers and was shocked on how low it was) they have a roof over their head even if it is a grubby b&b. It isnt perfect but compare it to the ever growing tent cities in the states (not the trendy occupy ones the ones where all the family have is a tent)it could be alot worse.


We have tent cities in this country too. There was a programme (might have been Panorama) about it not so long ago.

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Rents are rising, wages are static or decreasing - do the maths.



Are they though?


1 year ago when my tenancy was coming up, I looked at the market and re-signed because there was nothing that competed with what I was paying. In fact, there was virtually nothing at all, let alone anything to compete.


When my latest tenancy came up I re-looked and saw lots of similar properties that were cheaper, and lots of properties at my price that were much better than mine.


MY rent was rising, but when I checked the market, it wasn't the same thing. So for this reason, I think that you are mistaken.

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Are they though?


1 year ago when my tenancy was coming up, I looked at the market and re-signed because there was nothing that competed with what I was paying. In fact, there was virtually nothing at all, let alone anything to compete.


When my latest tenancy came up I re-looked and saw lots of similar properties that were cheaper, and lots of properties at my price that were much better than mine.


MY rent was rising, but when I checked the market, it wasn't the same thing. So for this reason, I think that you are mistaken.


There is somewhat of a Northern buy to let bubble occuring currently, dripping and about to burst. Malinvestment of the worst kind! Homeless/housed to private rented to sofa to homeless.


Some people move into a house and the landlord goes bust > homeless.


Peoples' tenure is being traded in the markets to those using leverage, often foolishly. This is causing massive social problems. Unstable housing is bad for employment, bad for mental and physical health, bad for society as a whole.

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We have tent cities in this country too. There was a programme (might have been Panorama) about it not so long ago.


The price of housing is too high, it defeats the point of working.


Sign on and claim housing benefit, get an allotment (sooner the better), build a small dwelling on the allotment. You can eat out in illegal immigrant staffed takeaways (chicken and chips is cheap as!) and shower at public baths. It is the only way, else you need to get a transit/caravan an be constantly on the move. Build wood on the outside first, then brick on the inside. Dongle & phone for internet, small generator and chemical toilet.


Use a friend/family members' accommodation for postal address or conduct all your business online.


Once in affordable accommodation, start working and saving.


Either buy somewhere or emigrate in a few years.

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