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Homelessness up 14% this year

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Do you actually believe things like that? Or just type them (or copy&paste) because you can?


Anyone with a belief system, lacks both knowledge, and information in order that the facts speak for themselves.


One does not ahve to believe anthingthing look at the evidence over the last 10 to 30 years.


To crush a population on has to dismantle all systems that bring people together in a common cause, thus creating individuals, who can then be targeted easily as ther is no collective body to back them up, and they are not rich enough to afford justice.


So Get rid of unions, and make the plebs feel they are an outmoded idea. Remove for most the access to legal representation. Dismantle all state run institutions, privatising all such public institutions. Encourage individuals to accept debt as part of life, and secure debts against individuals, making sure they cannot escape such a responsibility for most of their lives. Encourage immigration thus creating a labout surplus thus allowing wages to stagnate and decrease in value. Create conditions that all social payments should be conditional on providing cheap to free labour to sucessful corporations. Turn education from a vocation to a business, thus lowering standards, while enslaving the ignorant in debt, while providing them with an experience rather than any useful or practical application. Drain the middle classes of their finances, through supporting their offspring in a world that does not want them outside of what one can constantluy charge them for being alive.


Thus one creates a parasitic society, where the actual generation of wealth through creating value is obsolete, and who needs taxes, when the financial sector can create wealth just by printing more money.


This is just part of what has and is happening, and you regard this as a belief?

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Anyone with a belief system, lacks both knowledge, and information in order that the facts speak for themselves.


One does not ahve to believe anthingthing look at the evidence over the last 10 to 30 years.



This is as far as I got.


Does this mean you lack knowledge and information if you believe the evidence that you have acquired through information, experience over 10-30 years?!


****, I've only had 3 beers, and this is well confusing.


Time to log out

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'Soaring house prices 'will kill off the middle class within 30 years.'

(David Boyle, fellow of the New Economics Foundation.)


'By 2045 the average house price will be £1.25million. Only the very rich will be able to afford property. It will leave Britain with a tiny elite, and a huge sprawling proletariat who have no chance of clawing their way out of a hand-to-mouth existence, in hock to Landlord PLC.'


Already the price tag of the average home is £257,951, almost ten times the average salary of £27,000

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'Soaring house prices 'will kill off the middle class within 30 years.'

(David Boyle, fellow of the New Economics Foundation.)


'By 2045 the average house price will be £1.25million. Only the very rich will be able to afford property. It will leave Britain with a tiny elite, and a huge sprawling proletariat who have no chance of clawing their way out of a hand-to-mouth existence, in hock to Landlord PLC.'


Already the price tag of the average home is £257,951, almost ten times the average salary of £27,000


I wonder what would happen to those figures if you took the London effect away from them?

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Already the price tag of the average home is £257,951, almost ten times the average salary of £27,000


I wonder what would happen to those figures if you took the London effect away from them?




Well the average price of a semi-detached house in Sheffield is £154000, think a terrace is about £125k off the top of my head.


Similarly to truman's post, take off expensive properties in Sheffield, and see what's left.


Well, to use Anna's figure of 27k


x3 = £81,000


Rightmove max£80k brings up 500 properties.

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'Soaring house prices 'will kill off the middle class within 30 years.'

(David Boyle, fellow of the New Economics Foundation.)


'By 2045 the average house price will be £1.25million. Only the very rich will be able to afford property.


This doesn't make much sense in economic terms. If most people can't afford property, then there will be no demand to purchase it and prices will fall.


It's basic supply and demand, prices can't go higher than a large proportion can afford to pay, because without buyers the houses aren't worth anything.

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