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Eckington during the 50,s & 60,s

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My late wife's family lived in eckington at that time on ducksett lane called Moyle


Did u know them??


I'm related to the surname of Moyle, James, Josephine, Edward, Mary, Jean, Helen and some lived on Ducksett lane, also have had relatives on Pipworth lane

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My family the Clayton's lived in Pipworth Lane from 1955 - 1974, we lived in No.5 which was the middle house of 5 Victorian houses. In No.1 lived Margaret Dowling and her husband Luke, she was the daughter of the landlord Raich Nelson, in No. 3 lived the Jennings who were my uncle and aunt, we lived in No.5, my other aunt and uncle ( the Wallers ) lived in No7 and in No.9 lived Doug Hancock and his wife called Kath. All of these houses are now occupied by other people now, but the houses and wash houses are still pretty much the same. Whilst on holiday in the UK in 2010, I checked them out, the lane itself looks very overgrown with vegetation now and the scrapyard that Frank Alcock had is now gone, probably due to Frank himself being long gone I suppose. The place has a lot of very happy memories for me, I will never forget the good times we had there.



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Mature 5011, these are,indeed,the very same people .


Derek,I remember David Rodgers,but am as cluless as you where he is now.


Sierra Man,the derelict building you refer to, used to be a water mill.


Tic Tac , Bill bradford long dead,Trixie,Ming and blind Emma were King Charles spaniels,Are you S H?

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Mature 5011, these are,indeed,the very same people .


Derek,I remember David Rodgers,but am as cluless as you where he is now.


Sierra Man,the derelict building you refer to, used to be a water mill.


Tic Tac , Bill bradford long dead,Trixie,Ming and blind Emma were King Charles spaniels,Are you S H?


Hi Annina, Just fishing with the names to see if it is the one and only John Boy i remember. No it is not SH he is too posh and neither is it AH he is too clever. Anyway, tell John to put on his thinking cap, as i am sure Trev forev and Lin sings would know.

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Mature 5011, these are,indeed,the very same people .


Derek,I remember David Rodgers,but am as cluless as you where he is now.


Sierra Man,the derelict building you refer to, used to be a water mill.


Tic Tac , Bill bradford long dead,Trixie,Ming and blind Emma were King Charles spaniels,Are you S H?


Thanks for confirmation knew John frogratt very briefly and worked with Denis later for a short while

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Hi there,

I would like to get in touch and find out more about the Moyles from Eckington. I went to the house once when very small with my parents.


My grandfather was the twin brother of Jimmy - am interested to know who your wife was and any information/ photos you may have . My grandfather is dead but my dad who would maybe have been your wife's cousin is still alive - he is 66. I am 40 but very interested in family history especially as there was a very close bond between the two twin brothers but it's sad that the families sort of lost touch.


Thanks and hope to hear from you.


Iris Smith(Moyle)


I have researched MOYLE and TREWEEK in Eckington. Both families came up from Cornwall in 1872 and Mary Ann MOYLE married John TREWEEK at Chesterfield register office in 1876.


Which of the MOYLES are you descended from.


You can contact me at my email as you do not have enough posts to PM me.



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  • 6 months later...
I found the Air Raid Shelter at last! Thanks for your help. My next question is im told there is a Mine Shaft adit nearby. Does anyone have any directions to get to this from where the Air Raid Shelter is?


hi sierraman, have been in mine shaft many times as a young lad shooting rats etc but dont know if it still exists ,if you walk out of air r s into the field turn left and follow the hedge row down you cant miss it , it used to have a locked iron grill over it ,god knows how we used to get in but we did , i think it was an air intake for the mine nearby .

kind regards


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, my uncle Stan Jones lives in Eckington and has for donkies years, not sure which street tho.

He worked at Brookhouse colliery for years until it shut.

He's married to margret and has several kids.


Be nice to find anyone who knows the rest of the Jones family.

My mother is Eileen May Jones she married Denys Barfield from Woodhouse in about 1947.



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Hi, I was born in Beighton, I used to go to Eckington drill hall in the 60s I joined the Sherwood Foresters cadets. I used to walk it past Halfway, then down Eckington Hill. We used to go to Belper shooting 303s there too. They were good days; we used to crawl on our bellies in camouflage clothing and mud faces.in the field opposite the Barracks. They are very happy memories. Can anyone remember more of the cadets?

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