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If you walk through Sheffield today, your getting searched!

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RANDOM stop-and-search operations are being carried out by police as warring factions bring violence to the streets of Wybourn in Sheffield.


Officers have been given authority under the Public Order Act to use Section 60 powers, which give them the right to stop and search anyone in Wybourn, Park Hill, Skye Edge, Intake and Richmond.


A top-level review of the powers is taking place every 24 hours.


“We don’t often do this,” Detective Chief Inspector Zaf Ali told The Star. “We use it only when there has been an incident of serious violence or there is likely to be, and recently we have been using the powers day after day. “It should show how seriously we are treating this.”


Detectives involved in investigating the ‘tit-for-tat’ attacks


If you walk through Sheffield today you can be stopped and searched, without reason...

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You do not have to provide your name or address if stopped and searched...



What should I do if I am stopped or/and searched?


Everyone has a civic duty to help police officers prevent crime and catch offenders. The fact that the police may have stopped someone does not mean they are guilty of an offence.


Apart from the inconvenience, people may feel irritated that they’ve been stopped when they haven’t done anything wrong – that’s completely understandable. However, the stop or stop and search will be much quicker if a person co-operates with police officers.


It's up to you whether you provide your name and address. You don't have to, but the best advice is that you should co-operate with the police.


Don’t forget that the stop or stop and search must be carried out according to strict rules – the police have responsibility to ensure that people’s rights are protected. Everyone should expect to be treated fairly and responsibility. In almost all cases, an individual should be given a record of the stop or stop and search at the time it happens. The police use these powers to help make the local community safer by disrupting crime – public co-operation is an essential part of that.


How should I react?


Be patient


The police are aware that being searched is an inconvenience, and that you’re probably in a hurry to get where you're going. They should make the search as brief as possible. But in the interest of public safety they must also be thorough.


Be calm


Remember, you are not under arrest.

Don't refuse to be stopped or/and searched.

The process is not voluntary - the law gives police the authority to stop and search.

Officers do not need your permission to go through your belongings - if you refuse, you can be searched by force.

Try to stay calm and don’t be afraid to speak to the officer if you think your rights are being infringed.

What can I expect from the officer stopping or searching me?


The officer must be polite and respectful at all times. The Metropolitan Police are committed to continuously improving standards around the delivery of service to London’s communities.


All stops and stops and searches must be carried out with courtesy, consideration and respect.


We are aware that the process may take a little time but the process should be handled quickly and professionally.


The police officer will ask a few questions and then if necessary search you.


The search is not voluntary. If you do not cooperate the officer can use reasonable force to conduct the search.


Police officers, and police community support officers must use stop and search powers fairly, responsibly and without discrimination.


During a stop and search what information do the police have to give me?


The police who stop and search you must provide you with certain information including:


Their name and the station where they work (unless the search is in relation to suspected terrorist activity or giving his or her name may place the officer in danger. They must then give a warrant card or identification number)

The law under which you have been stopped

Your rights

Why you have been stopped and searched

Why they chose you

What they are looking for

During a stop and search what information will the police ask for?


The police have a legal requirement to include certain information from individuals who have been stopped and searched. This includes:


Date and time of the stop and search

Location of the stop and search

Why they stopped you, the grounds

What they were looking for

Names of the officers conducting the search and others present

The police officer will ask for your name and address and date of birth. You do not have to give this information if you don’t want to, unless the police officer says they are reporting you for an offence.


Everyone who is stopped or stopped and searched will be asked to define his or her ethnic background. You can choose from a list of national census categories that the officer will show you.


You do not have to say what it is if you don’t want to, but the officer is required to record this on the form. The ethnicity question help community representatives make sure the police are using their powers fairly and properly.


Is this a police record?


The fact that you are stopped and held to account and/or searched does not mean that you are under arrest or have done anything wrong. The officer is required to complete a form. The completing and issuing of the search form (or a receipt for a stop) does not amount to you having a police record.


What paperwork do I get after a stop and a stop and search?


You should receive a written record of the search or a receipt of the stop at the time of the event. If you want to complain either about being stopped or searched or the way it was carried out, this record / receipt will help identify the circumstances.


Supervisors at the police station also keep a copy of the search record. They use it to monitor the use of stop and stop and search powers and check for any inappropriate use. The police service must also make arrangements for community representatives to look at their stop and search records.


Police may use the search record at a later date to contact you about anything that may have happened in that area around the time you were stopped.


You will normally be given a search record at the time of the event. However, because of operational demands (public order situations, large public events, or if an officer is called to an emergency) you may be told where to collect the record later. A record must be made available for up to 3 months.


What information does the record contain?


The search record must contain the following information:


the officer details

the date, time and place of the stop and search

the reason for the stop and search

the outcome of the stop and search

your self-defined ethnicity

the vehicle registration number (if relevant)

what the officers were looking for and anything they found

your name or a description if you refuse to give your name – you do not have to provide the officer with your name and address.

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If you walk through Sheffield today you can be stopped and searched, without reason...


^ this bit (your bit) isn't true, as any reader of the story will ascertain.



And it's Friday, where's the reference to housing as the root cause? You're slipping. :|

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Its about time this happend more often, might get some of the dangerous idiots who carry weapons and scum that carry and deal drugs off the main streets, if you have nothing on you then there is nothing to worry about.

The police will profile likely suspects anyway so whats the problem??

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I wonder how this works with Disasterous Dave's policy of making stalking a crime?


You've gone beyond even your own usual inane prejudice here, Mecky. The police try and stop gun and drug crime and the Labour Party spokesman on here opposes it. That'll get you a lot of votes.

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