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In 600 years time will Islam have matured like a fine Christianity?

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I guess the question is will some sort of reformation occur? My guess would be in it's current form I'd struggle to see it happening because of Islam's tendency to take it's teachings literally and not allow any debate for interpretation.


The one change factor may be the continued growth of consumerism around the world, which does seem to talk to the majority of us humans on a very basic level regardless of our culture.

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No, they're still living in 1432 or whatever it is. Let's face it, a religion devised by an illiterate madman holed up in a cave, to halt the spread of Christianity and whose follwers then set out to conquer the known world, deserves to be countered accordingly.

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It's already a dominant force in the world. And already mature as a religion that has hundreds of millions of followers the vast majority of whom believe in the peaceful message of their religion.


Christianity is no better and still has had people willing to kill in its name in very recent times.


Even tho there are thrice daily occurances of murder, atrocity and death in Islam, its back to whataboutism.


Fact is that even tho Islam is a dominant force, its followers have little choice. The vast majority of its followers live in poverty and fear.


Perhaps the OP is right as it is still in its infancy, it might grow up. They would have to rewrite the Koran, and choose a new prophet, but i guess it could happen.


I recall something said last night on tv, that if we behaved like Jesus, the world would be a great place - and if we all behaved like Mohammed......

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600 years time - if the PC, plastic sandal wearing, tree hugging great unwashed get their way, men will be walking around in white Jim Jams and the women will be dressed head to toe in black, completely subservient to their husbands - and without a vote.



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The difference being that the history of Mohammed is accurate, and the history of Jesus is myth.


its the story and legacy of both that matter to its followers.


and don't Muslims believe in Jesus?

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It depends on your definition of "mature". To someone who does not have a belief in God(s) and does not understand why some people DO believe, it may be hard to think of any religions as mature. If the concept of gods is akin to belief in imaginary friends/fairies/Santa etc (to some people) then religion does not seem very mature at all in general.


Because religions are always invented and eventually come to an end, I'd say the new minority batch of religions (Scientology, Spiritualism, Wicca (yes Wicca's relatively new), Mormonism etc..) may become more mainstream and Christianity, Judaism, Islam may be starting to dwindle and become known as mythology. Like all old religions do.


If we're still around by then.

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By my reckoning Islam hit "maturity" somewhere between the 8th and 13th centuries. At least back then the religion didn't get in the way of people being able to live like adults, and science and art could be explored freely.


Since then it has made "immature" and petulant demands, as it has regressed Benjamin Button style, as it becomes more and more obvious that their "precious" is illusionary.

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By my reckoning Islam hit "maturity" somewhere between the 8th and 13th centuries. At least back then the religion didn't get in the way of people being able to live like adults, and science and art could be explored freely.


Since then it has made "immature" and petulant demands, as it has regressed Benjamin Button style, as it becomes more and more obvious that their "precious" is illusionary.


In many Muslim countries clericism curtailed the spread of knowledge, pushing enlightenment and scientific vigour back into a box.

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