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PPI Claims..Cold callers

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Anyone else sick of them?

I know i am and will they take me off their call list?

Will they eckers like.

So heres what to do.

Just play along with them.

Today i spoke to "Terry Smith":rolleyes:, a man with an almost impossible to understand african accent who was certain he could help me get back 1000s. I answered all his questions and was eventualy put through to a women who was to be my claims advisor. She too had an almost impossible to understand accent yet a very English name.

She asked me all the same questions


My name,,,, Micheal Jackson

Occupation. Former singer/child molester

DOB Dont rememebr what i gave them so just said yes.

Loan amount and dates,,,blah blah blah


I then broke the news that i wasnt who i said i was and i had infact been yanking their chain.

All i can say is she can swear in perfect English:D

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I get upto 20 AutoCallers a day .... our records show that you .... Yeah, well why not address me by my name and tell me where the PPI is from?


BTW, you think the people who answered your call were Nigerian? There's absolutely no way I'd give any personal details.

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I am absolutely sick of it. I've never in my life taken PPI yet I constantly get text messages telling me I can reclaim.


These rip-off companies should be closed down. They are no better than the people who mis-sold PPI in the first place!

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The whole ppi issue has become a complete farce with desperate low life companys trying every trick in the book to get cases and fleecing customers when you can actually claim it back yourself .Many of these companys really are scum.



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The perception that keeping them hanging on somehow gets the better of them is false.


These mugs are paid for the time they spend on the phone, so you're actually helping them. (Of course, their lack of results will eventually count against them, but they'll hardly spend a lifetime in these non-jobs.)


But they are definitely getting worse. I got 3 last Sunday afternoon. I politely enquired whether they thought people wouldn't mind being disturbed on a Sunday and told them to take their leave.


Or words to that effect.


Seriously, I think replying in the vilest possible language may make these people question whether they're in the right 'job'.

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