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Computer games and kids..

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It concerns me that the games are about death and destruction. I had this dialemma with my boy. All his mates were playing MW and COD and I let him. He's thirteen. The Xbox is in the living room so I can monitor when and what he is playing and who is online.


He has also been banned from 'violent' games for up to a month at a time after concerns about his behaviour at school. I am keen however to divert him towards more constructive activities. For some reason my suggestion earlier this evening of ballroom dancing classes was met with scorn and derision.

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You could point out the usually very favourable male:female ratio at those classes...


That is what I am working on. I may need to wait a while before the hormones kick in. That is the sort of advice I would like to have been given at his age. I didn't get to meet many females when I went boxing at his age.

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I personally think it is wrong


i totally agree with you charlie!


the argument is.....that it is just art, imitating life


but i strongly feel that life imitates this art also


....and what we are filling the heads of youngsters with today


is truly horrifying :shakes:

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